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Drowning Grasp (3.5e Feat)

203 bytes added, 17:58, 12 September 2010
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<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Feat
|name=Drowning Grasp
|summary=You drown your enemies in your watery embrace.
|prereqs= (Water) Subtype, Character level 3+
|benefit=You gain the Vortex ability of a Water Elemental. You gain Improved Grab on one type of natural weapon that you have, such as Slam or Claw, which can only be used for the [[Races_of_War_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Advanced_Combat#Hold_Down|Hold Down ]] grapple option; if you have no natural weapons, but gain them at a later level, this applies to the first natural weapon you gain and any alike to it. Also, any creature you have Held Down or [[Races_of_War_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Advanced_Combat#Lift|Lifted]], or any creature [[Races_of_War_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Advanced_Combat#Grab_On|Grabbing On ]] to you, is considered to be underwater, and must breathe or hold its breath appropriately.}}</onlyinclude>

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