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1,302 bytes added, 02:42, 10 September 2010
My Skill Feats
|skill14=May choose to make an Iaijutsu Focus check in place of your Initiative check.
|skill19=Automatically deal maximum damage from Iaijutsu Focus checks made as part of attacks resulting from [[Full Moon Stance (3.5e Feat)|Full Moon Stance]].
<onlyinclude>{{Tome Skill Feat
|name=Squire Training
|types=<!-- Feat Types (General, Fighter, etc.) -->
|summary=Given basic training in your off time you are better suited for combat than your peers.
|skill=Knowledge (History)
|prereqs=<!-- All prerequisites, separated by commas -->
|prereq_feat6=<!-- The title of a homebrew feat that is a prerequisite to this feat. -->
|skill0=Knowledge (History) is always a class skill for you. Gain proficiency in all Martial weapons. If you already had proficiency in all Martial weapons, choose Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning. You now count as proficient in all Exotic weapons of chosen type.
|skill4=Your BAB improves by one rank. Poor becomes Average, Average becomes Full. For every 4 levels in a Full BAB class, add 1 to your total BAB. This can give you a total of 5 Iterative Attacks in a round when high enough.
|skill9=Compensate for Weakness - Add to your weakest Saving Throw your Strength mod if Fort, Intelligence mod if Reflexes, or Charisma Mod if Will. If two Saves tie for lowest apply this to both. If none of your Base Saves is the weakest, add half of the extra mod to each one.
|skill14=Gain a +4 Dodge Bonus to AC.

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