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Template talk:3.5e Armor

630 bytes added, 00:46, 10 June 2010
added a comment
:I thought we were moving away from non-standard sized gear in the other equipment pages. Why for all of the inclusions here? - [[User:Tarkisflux|TarkisFlux]] 00:31, June 10, 2010 (UTC)
::Yeah, I really don't like the setup for it in general, but I wasn't sure what else to do with it yet. I ''do'' like having the subpages as their own "one stop shop" places, but man oh man, it does look cluttered, especially this rough. For now, since it's been like 10 months, it seems long over due to have something that works, even if it isn't pretty (though, pretty is of course the final goal, so long as it's still functional). Is there any chance we could get some proposals on a direction to take or just blurt out some ideas to get the ball rolling? --[[User:Ganteka Future|Ganteka Future]] 00:46, June 10, 2010 (UTC)

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