boosted some of the weaker stripe colors
|+ Table: Adventure Dragon base color
! Color || [[SRD:Breath Weapon|Breath Weapon]] (Su) (recharges every 1d4+1 rounds)
| Orange/Dark Gold || Fire 1d8 damage/HD in a cone 15'+5'/2 HD long
| Orange/Dark Gold || [[SRD:Alternate Form]] into a Medium or Small Humanoid with equal or less Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution a number of times per day equal to Charisma modifier.
| Light Grey/Platinum || Eat platinum pieces to regain health. Takes 1 minute, and heals 1 5 HP per platinum piece.
| Brown/Tarnished Copper || Retain DEX bonus to AC while climbing, +5 20 to [[SRD:Climb Skill|Climb]] checks.
| Faded Yellow/Niobium || Immune to Electricity. +2 to [[SRD:Tumble Skill|Tumble]], [[SRD:Escape Artist Skill|Escape Artist]], and [[SRD:Balance Skill|Balance]] checks.
| Dark Gray/Barium || Don't need to breathe, immune to gas-borne effects. +2 to [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] and [[SRD:Move Silently Skill|Move Silently]] checks.
| Light Blue/Osmium || Gain Damage Reduction 1/- per five Hit Dice, minimum 1.
| Rusty Red/Iron || Gain Spell Resistance equal to 4 5 + Hit Dice.
* [[SRD:Automatic Languages|Automatic Languages]]: Common and Draconic.