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Arcane-Corrupted (3.5e Template)

183 bytes added, 08:26, 27 April 2010
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==== Special Qualities ====
'''Corruption Points:''' Arcane-corrupted creatures have the flesh of abominations embedded deep within their bodies, giving them the ability to activate various functions that most abominations have. Activating various abilities adds Corruption Points to the base creature's pool, and the arcane-corrupted creature loses a single corruption point from their pool at the end of their turn; if there are a creature may not voluntarily gain more corruption points in a single round than their [[Constitution]] modifier + 10 + half their HD HD, and this total is also their "threshold" for corruption. Should the total number of Corruption Points in accrued by the creature's pool be over this threshold at the beginning of their turn than 10 + half the base creature's HD + [[Constitution]] modifier, the creature must make a [[Will]] save (DC 5 + 2 for every point over the threshold) or become a full-on abomination. A creature may not voluntarily gain more corruption points per round than their total threshold. If the base creature turns into an abomination, they immediately gain a permanent +10 to all ability scores, change alignment to Chaotic Evil and become an NPC under the DM's control; nothing, not even the Wish or Miracle spells, can change the character back to a PC, though if they are killed and resurrected, they come back to life as though they had never exceeded their threshold.
An arcane-corrupted creature may attempt to quell the abomination lurking deep within themselves as a full-round action, which removes one Corruption Point, and another one for every three HD they have past the first (two at 4th level, three at 7th level, and so on). During a round in which they attempt to quell the beast, they may not activate any abilities that this template grants.

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