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Stealthy, Aarnott (3.5e Feat)

1,481 bytes added, 20:53, 14 April 2010
Created page with '{{author |author_name=Aarnott |date_created=4/14/10 |status=Done |balance=Wizard }} {{3.5e Feat |name=Stealthy |types=Skill |summary=You combine hide and move silently into a si…'

{{3.5e Feat
|summary=You combine hide and move silently into a single skill.
|prereqs=[[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] 4 ranks, [[SRD:Move Silently Skill|Move Silently]] 4 ranks, both must be class skills.
|benefit=Stealthy feat bonuses are based on your ranks in the new skill it grants: '''Stealth'''.

Combine the two skills Hide and Move Silently into the new skill '''Stealth'''. Combine the skill points you had spent in both into this new skill (any points that would exceed your maximum allowed for your level are now free and can be re-spent). You can use the new skill check in place of both the old ones. If your class offers either Hide or Move Silently as a class skill, then '''Stealth''' is a class skill.

* '''8 ranks''': You gain a +2 bonus to '''Stealth''' checks.
* '''13 ranks''': Once per day, you may reroll a '''Stealth''' check, taking the higher result.
* '''18 ranks''': Once per day, when you take 10 on a '''Stealth''' check, treat it as a 15 instead.
* '''23 ranks''': You can [[SRD:Ranger#Hide_in_Plain_Sight|Hide in Plain Sight]] like the [[SRD:Ranger|Ranger]] class.\
|special=Bonuses to Hide or Move Silently from racial abilities, class features, magic items, etc. will receive that bonus only to that part of a '''Stealth''' check.

{{3.5e Feats Breadcrumb}}


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