== Radiation ==
Radiation lacks usable rules in 3.5e . Here is my take on the mystery of SCIENCE! and the most lethal threat we can't even see. Radiation use uses rather simple rules that sacrifice a bit of realism for simplicity 's sake, I attempted to make it lethal (not like D&D mundane fire). If you like your game less lethal, lowering damages damage caused by [[#Instant ExpositionExposure|instant expositionexposure]] by 5d6 and lowering every fortitude save by 3 point points might do it.
=== Doses ===
There are 6 type types of dosesdose, going from insignificant to extreme.
* Insignificant
* Very Mild
* Extreme
=== Instant Exposition Exposure ===
Being exposed to a massive dose of radiation for a few second seconds can have some heavy consequenceconsequences. Like face melting and a nasty cancer. Being exposed to a large dose of (dangerous) radiation deal deals 10d6 damages that bypass bypasses any DR. Additionally you must make a fort save vs Radiation Sickness (DC 20).
Being exposed to a even nastier dose (extreme) deal deals 15d6, you are forced to make a fort save (DC 25) or die. You get [[#Radiation Sickess|radiation sickness]] either way.
=== Long-Term Exposition Exposure ===
Mild dose doses of radiation don't have instant effecteffects... however they have some nasty long-term effecteffects. Overall your face not meltingdoesn't melt, and that 's a good thing. For each day you spent more than 2 hours exposed to a mild dose of radiation roll a fortitude save (DC based on the [[#Doses|dose]]). For each dose graver than mild, divide the required time of exposure by 2. Multiply it by 2 for each dose lighter than mild. Each day you succeed your save the DC of the next day (even with a different dose) increase increases by 1. The DC reset resets to the original after you fail a save.
{| class="zebra d20"
Upon failing a save you get radiation sickness and contract a radiation disease, you take both penalty penalties without saves.
=== Radiation Sickness ===
Radiation sickness make makes you [[SRD:Exhausted|exhausted]] and deal deals 1d6 [[SRD:Constitution|constitution]] damagesdamage. Multiple radiation sickness [[SRD:Constitution|constitution]] damages stack.
=== Radiation Disease ===
Upon contracting a radiation disease, you are required to roll a d6. Compared Compare the result to the table below and take the associated penalties. Contraction Contracting the same disease twice cause causes further degradation, the effect of further degradation is described in each disease entry.
{| class="zebra d20"
| 4 || [[#Vital Organ Degradation|Vital Organ Degradation]]
| 5 || [[#Sensory Organs Organ Degradation|Sensory Organs Degradation]]
| 6 || Roll again twice (ignore any other 6)
==== Diseases' Descriptions ====
* '''{{Anchor|Nerve Degradation}}:''' 2d6 [[SRD:Dexterity|dexterity]] drain. '''Further Degradation:''' You are [[SRD:Confused|''Confused'']] (permanent, dondoesn't stack with itself) you . You may avoid this effect by succeeding on a DC 18 fortitude save (checked every day). You also take 1d6 [[SRD:Dexterity|dexterity]] damagesdamage.
* '''{{Anchor|Muscle Degradation}}:''' 2d6 [[SRD:Strength|strength]] drain. '''Further Degradation:''' Your land speed halves is halved (permanent, dondoesn't stack with itself). You also take 1d6 [[SRD:Strength|strength]] damagesdamage.
* '''{{Anchor|Skin Degradation}}:''' 1d6 [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] drain, -2 penalty to attack roll rolls (permanent, dondoesn't stack with itself), skill checkchecks, and ability checkchecks. '''Further Degradation:''' 1d4 point points of [[SRD:Strength|strength]] and [[SRD:Dexterity|dexterity]] damagesdamage.
* '''{{Anchor|Vital Organ Degradation}}:''' 3d6 [[SRD:Constitution|constitution]] drain. '''Further Degradation:''' 1d6 [[SRD:Constitution|constitution]] damagesdamage, 1 point of [[SRD:Constitution|constitution]] drain.
* '''{{Anchor|Sensory Organs Organ Degradation}}:''' 2d6 [[SRD:Wisdom|wisdom]] drain. '''Further Degradation:''' (roll a d6) Must make a fort save (DC 18) or be permanently [[SRD:Blindness/Deafness|blinded]] (1-3) or be permanently [[SRD:Blindness/Deafness|deafened]] (4-6).
==== Curing Radiation Sickness/Disease ====
A simple [[SRD:Remove Disease|''remove disease'']] is enough to remove radiation sickness and repair further degradation effect(s)effects. [[SRD:Remove Disease|''remove disease'']] also reset resets [[#Long-Term ExpositionExposure|long-term expositionexposure]]'s DC.
Ability score damages damage and drain must be cured normally (using any spells that would normally be able to do so).
==== Radiation Protection ====
Wearing a simple lead-lined protection suit lower give gives you a +4 circumstantial bonus on fort save saves against the effect effects of radiation and make makes exposure as if they it were one step worse. A tailor-made suit cost costs as much as a [[SRD:Full Plate Armor|full-plate]] made for your character , but only grant a grants an armor bonus of +4. Otherwise use the same statistic statistics as a [[SRD:Full Plate Armor|full-plate]].
== Author Notes ==