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Sniper (3.5e Prestige Class)

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{{Incomplete|Unplayable as of yet}}
|author_name= Aelaris
|status=Pre-First Second Draft
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|"My Captain was talking with a barbarian commander. Apparently something went wrong, because he coughedthen snapped his fingers. That was my signal, and I put a hole through the barbarian's loincloth. ...In the end, they decided to spend their time raiding some other settlement."
|orig= Lieutenant Narkoth, Human Sniper
Characters who choose the path of the sniper are not concerned with pumping out damage over time from a range (Sharpshooting is the name of that other art), but rather prefer to enjoy an increased accuracy for the few shots they do take, as well as making those shots count. Snipers are a martial class, drawing from the ranks of fighters, rangers, rogues, and other classes of similar persuasions. Due to Snipers being a ranged class, and a class that prefers to stay out of melee (or even return fire), ability in archery is of primary importance. The skills necessary to sneak around is also very helpful.
{| class="d20 dragon monstats" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
|+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | Entry Requirements
! Skills:
| Concentrate - three 3 ranks, Spot - three 3 ranks.
! Feats:
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: The <-class name->Sniper}}</div><p>Hit Die: d<-die size->d8</p>
! rowspan="2" | Level
! colspan="3" | [[SRD:Saving Throw|Saving Throw]]s
! rowspan="2" | Special
! rowspan="2" | [[#Spellcasting|Spellcasting]] or [[#Manifesting|Manifesting]]<!-- for classes that build on pre-existing spellcasting/manifesting ability-->
! colspan="10" | [[#Spells|Spells per Day]]<!-- for classes that have their own spellcasting progression-->
! rowspan="2" | [[#Power Points/Day|Power<br/>Points/Day]]
! rowspan="2" | [[#Powers Known|Powers<br/>Known]]
! rowspan="2" | [[#Maximum Power Level Known|Maximum Power<br/>Level Known]]
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
! 0 || 1<sup>st</sup> || 2<sup>nd</sup> || 3<sup>rd</sup> || 4<sup>th</sup> || 5<sup>th</sup> || 6<sup>th</sup> || 7<sup>th</sup> || 8<sup>th</sup> || 9<sup>th</sup>
| 1st || + 1 || + 0 || + 2 || +2| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Sniper's Patience| Sniper's Patience]]
| 2nd || + 2 || + 0 || + 3 || +3| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Sniper's Instinct| Sniper's Instinct]]
| 3rd || + 3 || + 1 || + 3 || +3| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Sniper's Patience| Sniper's Patience]]
| 4th || + 4 || + 1 || + 4 || +4| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Specialized Shot| Specialized Shot]]
| 5th || + 5 || + 1 || + 4 || +4| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Sniper's Patience| Sniper's Patience]]
| 6th || + 6/+1 || + 2 || + 5 || +5| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Intent Study| Intent Study]]
| 7th || + 7/+2 || + 2 || + 5 || +5| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Sniper's Patience| Sniper's Patience]]
| 8th || + 8/+3 || + 2 || + 6 || +6| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Extraordinary Precision| Extraordinary Precision]]
| 9th || + 9/+4 || + 3 || + 6 || +6| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Sniper's Patience| Sniper's Patience]]
| 10th || + 10/+5 || + 3 || + 7 || +7| class="left" | <-class features gained at this level->| class="left" | <-effects of existing spellcasting at this level-> || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —| — || — |[[#Sniper's Patience| Sniper's Patience]]
|- class="noalt"
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills ([[Skill Points::<-number of skill points->4]] + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level.)'''<br/><-class skills (and key abilities), simply delete those skills which your class does not have as class skills from the complete list below. ->{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Appraise Skill|Appraise}} ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Autohypnosis Skill|Autohypnosis}} ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Balance Skill|Balance}} ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff}} ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Climb Skill|Climb}} ([[SRD:Strength|Str]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration}} ([[SRD:Constitution|Con]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Control Shape Skill|Control Shape}} ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Craft Skill|Craft}} ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Decipher Script Skill|Decipher Script}} ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Diplomacy Skill|Diplomacy}} ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Disable Device Skill|Disable Device}} ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Disguise Skill|Disguise}} ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Escape Artist Skill|Escape Artist}} ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Forgery Skill|Forgery}} ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Gather Information Skill|Gather Information}} ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Handle Animal Skill|Handle Animal}} ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Heal Skill|Heal}} ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Hide Skill|Hide}} ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate}} ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Jump Skill|Jump}} ([[SRD:Strength|Str]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge}} ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Listen Skill|Listen}} ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]])
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Move Silently Skill|Move Silently}} ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Open Lock Skill|Open Lock}} ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Perform Skill|Perform}} ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Psicraft Skill|Psicraft}} ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Profession Skill|Profession}} ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Ride Skill|Ride}} ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Search Skill|Search}} ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Sense Motive Skill|Sense Motive}} ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Sleight of Hand Skill|Sleight of Hand}} ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft}} ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Spot Skill|Spot}} ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Survival Skill|Survival}} ([[SRD:Wisdom|Wis]]),
{{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Swim Skill|Swim}} ([[SRD:Strength|Str]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Tumble Skill|Tumble}} ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Use Magic Device Skill|Use Magic Device}} ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Use Psionic Device Skill|Use Psionic Device}} ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]), {{Property Link|Skill|SRD:Use Rope Skill|Use Rope}} ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]).
<!-- delete this table if the class has less than 10 pre-epic levels -->
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ {{Anchor|Table: The [[SRD:Epic Level Basics|Epic]] <-class name->}}
! Level || Special
| 11th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 12th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 13th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 14th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 15th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 16th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 17th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 18th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 19th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
| 20th|| class="left" | <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
====Class Features====
All of the following are class features of the <-class name->Sniper.
'''{{Anchor|Spellcasting}}:''' At <-each level? each level after first? Xth and Yth levels?->, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one <-divine? arcane? prepared? spontaneous?-> spellcasting class before becoming a <-class name->, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
'''{{Anchor|ManifestingSniper's Patience}}([[Ex]]):''' At <-each level? each level after first? Xth and Yth levels?->When you could make a ranged attack against an opponent, you gain power points per daymay forfeit that attack, an increase in manifester leveland keep your weapon trained on the target until your next attack, and new powers as if you had also gained a level in a manifesting class to which you belonged before adding making it at the prestige class level. You do notoriginal bonus, howeverand rolling your attack roll twice, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gainedtaking the better roll. If you had more than one manifesting class before becoming hit with a <-class name->critical, you must decide to which class to add each level for may apply the purpose same number of determining powers, manifester level, and powers knownbonus rolls to your confirmation.
'''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' To cast a particular spell, you must have an <-relevant ability-> score of at least 10 + the spell's level. Your bonus spells are based on your <- ability ->. Saves to avoid the effects of your spells have a DC Losing sight of 10 + the spell's level + your <-abbreviated ability-> bonus target (if anytarget gains total concealment)wastes this ability.
You cast spells as Aiming at your opponent this way denies your dexterity bonus to AC, and if you are hit, you must make a <-similar spellcasting class-> doesconcentration check (DC 10 plus damage taken minus your attack bonus) to continue to hold your aim steady. [[#Table: <-class name-> Spells Known|Table: <-class name-> Spells Known]], belowIf you move more than half your speed while aiming, details how many spells you can learn at must make a concentration check (DC 10 plus each levelfoot of distance traveled past half your speed). An epic <-class name->’s number of [[SRD:Spells|spells]] per day does not increase after 10th levelAt the DM's discretion, additional concentration checks may be imposed for anything that may disrupt your aiming. Choose your spells from the following list:
0&mdash;''<-this spell->''At level 3, ''<-that spell->''you may roll two extra times by skipping two of your attacks, then at level 5 you may roll three extra times by skipping three of your attacks. This increases every odd level to level 9, where you may skipping up to five attacks to roll your next attack roll five extra times in addition to your actual attack roll, ''<-and take the other spell->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->highest result. At level 10, you may skip any number of attacks, and get that many bonus rolls to your next attack.
1st&mdash;''<-this spell->'', ''<-that spell->'', ''<-and the other spell->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->.
2nd&mdash;''<-this spell->'{{Anchor|Sniper', s Instinct}} ([[Ex]]):''<-that spell->'At level 2, the sniper can shoot at any moment, relying on his instincts to release his projectile in response to the slightest of cues. Whenever the sniper is aiming at a target, using his Sniper's Patience ability, he may use the latest stored attack whenever he wants, as if his attack were an opportunity attack. This uses any existing Sniper''<s Patience bonus rolls, but does not add the final extra roll -only the stored bonus rolls are being used.(Example: Mubasa the 6th level sniper is aiming at a prince through a window. He has given up two attacks, and would like to wait until he has the other spell->perfect shot [Three bonus rolls plus the actual attack's roll, at his level]. However, the prince stands up, and decides to go to the restroom, which would break Mubasa'<!-- repeat as necessary -->s line of sight. Mubasa releases his arrow then, attacking with the correct modifier, and rolling with the two stored bonus rolls for the better result of 2 d20s.)
3rd&mdash;''<-this spell->'', ''<-that spell->'', ''<-and the other spell->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->.
4th&mdash;''<-this spell->'{{Anchor|Specialized Shot}} ([[Ex]]):', ''<-that spell->''At level 4, the sniper is able to aim specifically at certain parts of the body to achieve certain effects. While it is harder to aim at specific body parts, with patience, the sniper can hit with precision. Whenever you make a ranged attack, ''<you may take a -2 penalty and one of the other spell->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->.following special attacks:
5th&mdash;''<-this spell->Vital Shot:''Against creatures with discernible anatomies, ''<-that spell->''the sniper can specifically aim at vital areas, ''<-and doubling the other spell->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->threat range of his weapon.
6th&mdash;''<-this spell->Laming Shot:''Against creatures with a discernible mode of physical locomotion, ''<-that spell->''the sniper can shoot them in the foot, leg, wing, fin, etc. This reduces the relevant move speed by half, ''<-and if the other spell->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->creature is flying, reduces its manueverablity by one level. This lasts until a DC 20 heal check, or magical healing equal to the damage taken in the attack.
7th&mdash;''<-this spell->Felling Shot:''By shooting the target at the right moment during their step (wingbeat, etc.), ''<-that spell->''the sniper can cause the target to fall over. On a hit, ''<-and the other spell->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->target must make a reflex save (DC 10 + damage) or fall prone.
8th&mdash;''<-this spell->Throat Shot:''By shooting the target in the throat or lungs, (or wherever they store their ability to speak), you can eliminate enemies silently. If the target is killed by this attack, ''<-that spell->''they will not make a sound. Otherwise, ''<-and they lose the other spell->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->ability to speak for 1d4 rounds if they fail a (DC 10 + damage/2) fortitude save.
9th&mdash;''<-this spell->Close Call Shot:''The sniper shoots next to the target, obviously having chosen to miss (shooting off a hat, between the legs, etc). The sniper shoots this attack as a ranged touch attack. Upon a 'hit,'<-that spell->''the sniper bequeaths an intimidation bonus to any allies equal to half his attack bonus plus his charisma modifier. In the absence of anyone else claiming the arrow, ''<-and the archer may make the Intimidate check herself through the intimidation of the shot alone (no other spell->mods). Sniper''<!s instinct can shoot this shot to prop up a (bad) intimidate check if the sniper can observe the intimidate check -- repeat she may choose to shoot after seeing the intimidate result, though before it is applied. The intimidate bonus is doubled on a critical. Upon a miss, there is a 50% chance to accidentally hit at the target instead, attacking them with the same modifiers as necessary -->your original attack.
{| class="zebra d20"|+ {{Anchor|Table''Artery Shot: <-class name-> Spells Known}}|-! rowspan="2" | Level !! colspan="10" | Spells Known|-! 0 || '' The sniper aims for a major artery. If the attack hits, it causes the target to bleed, taking 1<sup>st</sup> || 2<sup>nd</sup> || 3<sup>rd</sup> || 4<sup>th</sup> || 5<sup>th</sup> || 6<sup>th</sup> || 7<sup>th</sup> || 8<sup>th</sup> || 9<sup>th</sup>|- | 1st || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —|- | 2nd || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —|- | 3rd || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —|- | 4th || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —|- | 5th || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —|- | 6th || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —|- | 7th || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —|- | 8th || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —|- | 9th || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —|- | 10th || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || — || —<!-- repeat as necessary -->|}damage at the start of each of its turns. On a critical hit, the target also takes one point of Constitution damage. The bleeding lasts until a DC 15 heal check, or magical healing equal to the damage taken in the attack.
'''{{Anchor|Power Points/Day}}Maiming Shot:''' Your ability to manifest [[SRD:Powers|powers]] is limited by The sniper aims at a limb of the [[SRD:Power Points|power points]] you have availablecreature. Your base daily allotment of [[SRD:Power Points|power points]] is given on [[#Table: The <-class name->|Table: The <-class name->]]. In additionIf he hits, all skill checks, physical ability checks, you receive bonus [[SRD:Power Points|power points]] per day if you have and attack rolls that creature makes that use the damaged limb get a high <-relevant ability-> score (see [[SRD:Ability Scores#Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points|Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points]])3 penalty. Your race may also provide bonus [[SRD:Power Points|power points]] per dayThis lasts until a DC 20 heal check, as may certain feats and items. Your power points and bonus power points at each level do not increase automatically after 10th levelor magical healing equal to the damage taken in the attack.
'''{{Anchor|Powers Known}}:''' You begin play knowing X <-class name-> powers of your choice. Each time you achieve a new level, you unlock the power of a new power. You can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than your manifester level.
'''{{Anchor|Intent Study}} ([[Ex]]):''' At level 6, the sniper is able to identify the chinks in armor, and weaknesses in the target's body. The total number of powers you can manifest in sniper may convert a bonus roll (from Sniper's Patience) into ignoring armor and attacking as if as a day is limited only by your daily power pointsranged touch attack.
You simply know your powers; they are ingrained Additionally, for each round spent aiming or intently studying the target, the sniper gains a permanent +1 competence bonus to damage against the target, with a maximum bonus of her levels in your mindsniper. You do This bonus is not need based on discernible anatomy, but rather on the sniper understanding how to make her attack deal the most damage to the target on a holistic basis. As a permanent bonus, the bonus damage may be applied whenever the sniper deals damage to prepare them (in the way target, be it this year or the next - however, at the DM's discretion, gross physical alterations to the target may cause the sniper's knowledge to be outdated. Note that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though you must get a good nightsniper's sleep each day to regain all your spent power pointsintent study is fairly obvious, and requires the same total concentration as would normal sniping.
The Difficulty Class for saving thows against <-class name-> powers is 10 + the power's level + your <-abreviated relevant ability-> modifier.
Your powers known at each level do not increase automatically after 10th '''{{Anchor|Extraordinary Precision}} ([[Ex]]):''' At level8, the sniper is able to aim with such precision that damage on a confirmed critical hit is additionally doubled on top of the normal effects of a critical. The sniper may also convert a number of bonus rolls (from Sniper's Patience) equal to the number of range increments her or she is distant from the target to ensure a critical threat on a hit.
You choose your powers from the following list (Exception: The [[SRD:Expanded Knowledge|Expanded Knowledge]] and [[SRD:Epic Expanded Knowledge|Epic Expanded Knowledge]] feats allow you to learn powers from the lists of other classes.):===Campaign Information===
1st&mdash;''<-this power->'', ''<-that power->'', ''<-and the other power->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->.====Playing a Sniper====
2nd&mdash;''<-this power->'', ''<-that power->'', ''<-and the other power->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->.{{quote 3rd&mdash;''<-this power->'', ''<-that power->'', ''<-and the other power->''<|Boom!-- repeat as necessary -->. 4th&mdash;''<-this power->'', ''<-that power->'', ''<-and the other power->''<Headshot!-- repeat as necessary -->. 5th&mdash;''<-this power->'', ''<-that power->''|orig= Anonymous, ''<-and the other power->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->.Red Team Human Sniper 6th&mdash;''<-this power->'', ''<-that power->'', ''<-and the other power->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->. 7th&mdash;''<-this power->'', ''<-that power->'', ''<-and the other power->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->. 8th&mdash;''<-this power->'', ''<-that power->'', ''<-and the other power->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->. 9th&mdash;''<-this power->'', ''<-that power->'', ''<-and the other power->''<!-- repeat as necessary -->. '''{{Anchor|Maximum Power Level Known}}:''' This column determines the highest level power you can learn at this level.
To learn or manifest '''Combat:''' Snipers fight in combat by starting the battle with a powerwell-aimed shot, hitting commanders to sow confusion, you must have an <wizards and other enemy squishies before they can buff, etc., and any other high-relevant impact shot. Alternatively, if the sniper is confident in her ability-> score to stay hidden, her tendency towards quality over quantity gives her targets less chances to spot her. Snipers are, of at least 10 + the power’s levelcourse, ideal for shooting a single unsuspecting target: assassination.
'''{{Anchor|<-extraordinary class feature->}} ([[Ex]]):''' <-class feature game rule informationIn general combat, however, including any differences levels in sniper provide little advantage over shooting as often as possible, and such combats rely on the sniper's base class feature at epic levels->abilities.
'''''{{Anchor|<-psi-like class feature->}}'' ([[Ps]])Advancement:''' <The sniper class exists to specialize in a particular tactic -class feature game rule informationsniping. Some characters may want pursue sniping in full, including any differences but others may only want to dabble in the art of precision. Low entry requirements are friendly to dabblers, but the sniper is no more powerful than a base class feature at epic levels->simply more specialized.
'''''{{Anchor|<-spell-like class feature->}}'' ([[Sp]])Resources:''' <-class feature game rule informationSniping is a skill and a style, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels-> '''{{Anchor|<-supernatural class feature->}} ([[Su]]):''' <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels-> '''{{Anchor|<-class feature->}}:''' <-class feature game rule information, including any differences in the class feature at epic levels-> ''{{Anchor|<-subclass feature->}} <-"(Ex)", "(Su)", "(Sp)", or "(Ps)" if applicable.->:'' <-subclass feature game rule information->. <-Lather, rinse...-> <-... repeat as necessary.-> '''{{Anchor|Bonus Feats}}:''' <- any bonus feats gained in pre-epic levels->. The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> feats) every <-# of levels-> levels after <-usually the last non epic level->not an identity.  ''Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List:'' <-list of bonus epic feats-> ====Ex-<-pluralized class nameVery few sniper organizations exist ->==== <-What happens (if anything) if characters of this class lose an entry requirement or violate their code of conduct (if this class has one). Delete this section if there instead most snipers are no contingencies for continuing in this class-> <!-- REMOVE THIS LINE WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED AT LEAST ONE OF THE SECTIONS BELOW===Campaign Information=== REMOVE THIS LINE WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED AT LEAST ONE OF THE SECTIONS BELOW --> <!-- REMOVE THIS LINE WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE "PLAYING A ... " SECTION====Playing a <-class name->==== '''Combat:''' <-Typical role in combat-> '''Advancement:''' <-Typical advancement options for characters with this class. Include desirable multiclass options-> '''Resources:''' <-What kind part of assistance members military marksmanship academies, orders of this class can expect from each other including possible organizations-> REMOVE THIS LINE WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE "PLAYING A assassins, etc... " SECTION -->
[[Category:Prestige Class]]

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