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Tabard of Defiant Rage (3.5e Equipment)

12 bytes added, 17:14, 26 December 2009
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This tabard seems somewhat worn as if from battle, even when new and clean. Adorned with runes from gods of endurance and strength along its trim, and graced with a snarling visage of some wild creature upon the chest, this tabard grants barbarians options with their additional rage attempts. As a standard action the barbarian can forfit any number of rage attempts remaining in the day, and gain damage reduction 2/- for every rage attempt forfitted. Unlike most damage reduction, this damage reduction stacks with any inherent DR/- you may possess, such as through the barbarian class feature (but not via a magic item or spell). You may gain a benefit of up to half your level in additional damage reduction, rounded down. For example a level 13 barbarian could sacrifice up to 3 rage attempts for the day and gain + an additional DR 6/-. Sacrificing a 4th rage attempt would provide no benefit (not until they were level 14).
The damage reduction benefits last for 24 hours, or until you replenish your rage attempts for the day.

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