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Mercurial Warrior (3.5e Prestige Class)

6 bytes removed, 04:37, 25 December 2009
Mercurial Warriors in the Game: (yeah)
'''Adaptation:''' The mercurial warrior prestige class can be changed to fit into any world, any campaign, any story. For example, in a world where nations rest vast distances away from each other, mercurial warriors could be specially trained breed of messengers, who deliver messages from one nation to another. In another situation, the world could be engulfed by organized crime, and one gang would be known as the mercurial warriors, and be famed for being extremely difficult to catch.
'''Sample EncounterNPC:''' Nahum Frost grew up in an orphanage in an empty world, one where no one ever cared about happenings in other parts of the world, where no one ever went out of their way to help another, and where no one loved. He learned about things in this world, and learned that it was the way things were, that people didn't care about others. He left the orphanage when he came of age, and went out into the world, looking for a new home. He went many places in this time during his life, and saw many things, but he never cared, why should he when nothing cared about him? Nahum eventually found a job during his travels, as a merchant, trading for large ammounts of goods, then transporting them into other countries, just to trade for more. As he went back and forth from city to city, people began recognizing him, especially one young girl, a street rat, whom he had spoken to one day while setting up his shop, who hadn't bought anything, who now came back every day he was in town, just to talk. Nahum eventually developed something of a friendship with this girl, as she always wanted to hear of the places he had been to, and he always managed to get her to go out and draw in some buisiness. One day, the girl hung around a long time past the usual, even well into the night, and when Nahum started closing up, she asked him if she could spend the night with him. He was a little taken aback by this, but he agreed, but told her that they wouldn't be in the same bed. Even at this point, he still didn't open himself up. After this night though, the girl stopped coming. Nahum was a little unsettled by this in the beginning, but didn't let it get to him. Until, that is, a week had passed, without her showing up even once. Nahum was scared, and, after closing shop one day, he began looking for her. He travelled across the entire city, and only managed to find a single person who knew her, who said she had left town for some reason. Nahum soon shocked himself, by giving away everything he owned in exchange for some travelling clothes and some money. He began travelling after this, wandering though the wilderness, chasing the trail the girl had left, discoverring new things about himself as he went. He is still travelling today, and is still searching for that one girl. He will kill anyone who gets in his way too.
''EL 17:'' {{:Nahum Frost (3.5e NPC)}}

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