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Holy Knight (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Holy Knight Invocation List: delete for now
A Holy Knight falls if she abandons her oath, and turns from goodness or law. However, a Holy Knight's Divine infusion is not simply revoked, and so she retains her powers, though she takes the usual penalties for abandoning her oath. A Holy Knight who has slipped from good, even just to neutrality, is typically viewed as among the greatest traitors in her deity's faith, and the deity may very likely feel personally betrayed by this turn of events, and attempt to have champions hunt down the traitor, or in extreme cases even take matters into his own hands. A non-lawful but good Holy Knight is typically viewed as more of a failure than a traitor, though particularly lawful deities may very well feel differently.
= Holy Knight Invocation List =
The following are Invocations that a Holy Knight may learn at the appropriate levels.
===== ''Least Invocations'' =====
* Coordinate Defenses - use Message, as the spell.
* Endure Environment - Use Endure Elements, as the spell. Also grants water breathing and a swim speed.
* Hidden Wards - Party gains bonuses on Bluff and Disguise.
* Hope of the People - Gain bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information.
* Judgment Blade - Weapon Magic gains 60 ft. range, 120 ft. with Smite.
* Lightning Stab - Weapon Magic deafens foes.
* Protect the Innocent - As Protection from Evil and Protection from Chaos at once.
* Reveal the Wicked - Cone-shaped emanation detects evil and chaos, as Detect Evil and Detect Chaos.
* See the Unseen - Use See Invisibility, as the spell.
* Shining Beacon - Create light as with Daylight spell, but not strong enough to harm creatures susceptible to sunlight.
* Split Punch - Weapon Magic fatigues foes.
===== ''Lesser Invocations'' =====
* Holy Explosion - Weapon Magic blinds foes.
* Innocence Ward - As Magic Circle against Evil and Magic Circle against Chaos at once.
* Lose the Pursuit - Use Invisibility on self and up to 4 allies; any action or movement dispels.
* Revelation - Use Zone of Truth as the spell.
* Tactical Protection - Use Benign Transposition, as the spell.
* Stasis Sword - Weapon Magic dazes foes, stuns with Smite.
* Zephyr Flight - Party gains slow fly speed, cannot attack from air.
===== ''Greater Invocations'' =====
* Cleansing Strike - Weapon Magic dispels enemy's magic.
* Pass Unnoticed - Use Veil as the spell.
* Shun the Wicked - As Magic Circle against Evil and Magic Circle against Chaos at once, plus attempts to keep out anyone of Evil alignment, extraplanar or not.
* To Protect and Serve - Use Test of Mettle, as the Knight's class feature. Enemies who fail their save take a -4 penalty to their attacks and a -4 penalty to the DCs of their saving throws for anyone except yourself.
* Vengeance Bind - Weapon Magic prevents foe from teleporting.
* Wingstorm - Create powerful gusts of wind with your invocation-granted wings.
===== ''Heavenly Invocations'' =====
* Apotheosis - Gain angelic wings, imbue shield and weapon with divine energy, produce light as Celestial Brilliance.
* Crush Punch - Weapon Magic may instantly kill foe.
* Divine Ruination - Weapon Magic turns foes against each other.
* Miracle - Use Miracle, as the spell, but cannot ask for spells as an effect. Always requires XP expenditure.
* Radiance - Use Sunburst, as the spell.
* Ultimate Defense - Use Greater Globe of Invulnerability, as the spell.
= Special Thanks =

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