Bot-assisted addition of subtypes
{{Creature Table
| creature=| style=| size=Large | type=[[SRD:Animal Type|Animal]]| hd=16d8+48 | hp=120 | init=+2| speed=40 ft. (8 squares)| ac=17 (–1 size, +2 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +6 natural) | touch=11 | flat=15 | bab=+12 | grapple=+24| at=Claw +20 melee (2d4+8)| full_at=2 claws +20 melee (2d4+8) and bite +14 melee (2d6+4)| space=10 ft. | reach=5 ft.| sa=[[SRD:Improved Grab|Improved grab]], [[SRD:Pounce|pounce]], [[SRD:Rake|rake]] 2d4+4| sq=[[SRD:Low-Light Vision|Low-light vision]], [[SRD:Scent|scent]]| fort=+13 | ref=+12 | will=+11| str=27| dex=15| con=17| int=2| wis=12 | cha=10| skills=[[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] +7*, [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] +14, [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +6, [[SRD:Move Silently Skill|Move Silently]] +11, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +7, [[SRD:Swim Skill|Swim]] +10| feats=[[SRD:Alertness|Alertness]], [[SRD:Improved Natural Attack|Improved Natural Attack]] (claw), [[SRD:Improved Natural Attack|Improved Natural Attack]] (bite), [[SRD:Run|Run]], [[SRD:Stealthy|Stealthy]], [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] (claw)| env=Warm forests| org=Solitary or pair| cr=8| treas=None| align=[[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]]| adv=17–32 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] (Large); 33–48 (Huge)| la=—
Dire tigers prey on just about anything that moves. They will patiently stalk a potential meal, striking whenever the creature lets down its guard.