Bot-assisted addition of subtypes
{{Creature Table
| style=| creature=Stone Golem | size=Large | type=[[SRD:Construct Type|Construct]]| | hd=14d10+30 | hp=107 | init=–1 | speed=20 ft. (4 squares) | ac=26 (–1 size, –1 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +18 natural), | touch=8 | flat=26 | bab=+10 | grapple=+23 | at=Slam +18 melee (2d10+9) | full_at=2 slams +18 melee (2d10+9) | space=10 ft. | reach=10 ft. | sa=Slow | sq=[[SRD:Construct Type|Construct traits]], [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]] 10/[[SRD:Adamantine|adamantine]], [[SRD:Darkvision|darkvision]] 60 ft., immunity to magic, [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]] | fort=+4 | ref=+3 | will=+4 | str=29 | dex=9 | con=| int=| wis=11 | cha=1| skills=| feats=| env=Any| org=Solitary or gang (2–4) | cr=11 | treas=None | align=[[SRD:Neutral|Always neutral]]| adv=15–21 [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] (Large); 22–42 (Huge) | la=—
This golem has a [[SRD:Humanoid Type|humanoid]] body made from stone. A stone golem is 9 feet tall and weighs around 2,000 pounds. Its body is frequently stylized to suit its creator. For example, it might look like it is wearing armor, with a particular symbol carved on the breastplate, or have designs worked into the stone of its limbs.