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Mercurial Warrior (3.5e Prestige Class)

No change in size, 05:47, 25 November 2009
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'''{{Anchor|Great Run}}:''' A mercurial warrior eventually grows to the point that nothing can keep up with him. When running, mercurial warrior move seven times his normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or six times his speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load) at 8<sup>th</sup> level.
'''{{Anchor|Ideal Mercurial Charge}}:''' A mercurial warrior's dexterity is a thing of legends, and allows him to move with such deftness across the battlefield, that seemingly nothing can seemingly stop him. At 9<sup>th</sup> level, a mercurial warrior is no longer subject to [[SRD:Attack of Opportunity|attacks of opportunity]] made against him from any source while he is [[SRD:Charge|charging]]. Additionally, the mercurial warrior doesn't take the usual –2 penalty to his [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]] that he would recieve due to [[SRD:Charge|charging]]. His charge move still ends as soon as he threatens his target.
'''{{anchor|Improved Evasion}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' Mercurial warriors eventually master their instincts and reactions to such a degree, that nothing ever catches them off gaurd. This ability, gained at 10<sup>th</sup> level, works like evasion (see above). A mercurial warriors takes no damage at all on successful [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]] against attacks that allow a [[SRD:Saving Throw|Reflex]] [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throw]] for half damage. What’s more, he takes only half damage even if he fails his [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throw]].

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