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Nimbus Drifter (3.5e Monster)

13 bytes removed, 06:13, 14 November 2009
'''Poison ([[Ex]]):''' The multitude of stringers on a nimbus drifter, as well as its interior, are lined with poison sacs that debilitate all it touches. When hit by a stinger it deals 1d4 [[Dex]] damage/paralyzation for 1 minute, with a [[Fortitude]] save DC 23 to negate. The save DC is [[Constitution]] based.
'''[[Bio-Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|{{Anchor|Bio-Energy}}]] ([[Ex]]):''' As a xenotheric creature nimbus drifters have a ''bio-energy pool'' can hold a maximum amount of charges equal to 3 plus the xenotheric creature's [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] modifier (minimum 1), and recharges at a rate of 1 charge per minute. These charges may be expended to facilitate use the volt tendril and thundering bellowlightning bolt attack option. The example nimbus drifter has a bio-energy pool of 8.
'''Drifter ([[Ex]]):''' Able to sail at the speed of the wind at whim, the Nimbus Drifter is barely noticable. Even when moving on its own power it is utterly silent. A nimus drifter always succeeds on move silently checks. This ability works against them however as well, and they count as three times smaller sized creatures for determining how they are blown about in strong winds.

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