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Rascally Rogue (3.5e Class)

159 bytes added, 13 October
I guess being able to easily herd weak-willed vermin is funnier
'''{{Anchor|Beginner Tricks}} {{Ex}}:''' The Rascally Rogue has a variety of special tricks they can do in combat. If multiple trick conditions are met somehow, you may do all but one of them (so one if you meet two, but two if you meet three). Trick save DCs are 10 +half character level +Dexterity modifier, unless you can make attack rolls with an ability score other than Strength, in which case you may add that ability modifier instead. If a creature is subjected to multiple saves from different tricks at once, it chooses one save to make and counts the result against all the tricks (even if the saves are different types).
If a trick says "save ends", that means the creature makes another save at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.
• ''{{Anchor|Sneaky Strike}}:'' The first time you hit each creature each round, if the creature is within 30' or it's a melee attack, and the creature is either denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against you or you are flanking it, the creature must make a Fortitude save or take 1d8 points of precision damage per character level. As precision damage, it is not multiplied on critical hits, and is prevented by immunity to critical hits.
• ''{{Anchor|Confuse an Ooze}}:'' With a flask of alchemical liquid, or a bag of salt or flour, you may befuddle a mindless creature. By attacking a square adjacent to it, you may cause it to turn around and go the other way, ignoring all creatures in a 180 degree arc on the side of the liquid or dusty substance, save ends. If it doesn't see anything to attack, it simply uses its next turn to move moves as far away possible. The mindless creature may make a Will save to negate this.
• ''{{Anchor|Stay Back!}}:'' If you are wielding a weapon that deals fire damage, animals, plants, and swarms must succeed on a Will save to move adjacent to you. On failure their movement stops 5 feet awayand they can't try again to get closer to you for 5 rounds, but they may use remaining movement to move somewhere else.
'''{{Anchor|Trap Expertise}} {{Ex}}:''' A level 2 Rascally Rogue is good with traps and hidden things. They can take 10 on Open Lock and Disable Device checks and make them as a standard action. They can find and disable magical traps as a rogue. They automatically take 10 on a Search check for every square they pass adjacent to without an action.
'''{{Anchor|Moderate Tricks}} {{Ex}}:''' At level 3, the Rascally Rogue learns more tricks.
• ''{{Anchor|Discombobulate}}:'' You can strike constructs to disrupt their programming. The first time you hit each construct each round with an attack that deals bludgeoning damage, you may make it make a Will save or treat all its enemies as allies and its allies as enemies for 1 round, save ends.
• ''{{Anchor|Anger Elemental}}:'' You can deeply offend elementals by appealing to their base natures. The first time you hit each elemental each round with an attack that deals energy damage (fire, cold, electricity, acid, or sonic) of a type the elemental cannot deal, you may make it make a Will save or become overcome with fury, and spend its next turn trying try its best to attack you in melee, save ends.
• ''{{Anchor|Destroy Undead}}:'' The first time you hit each undead creature each round with a holy symbol or holy water, you may make it make a Fortitude save or take additional damage equal to half its maximum HP.
• ''{{Anchor|Surprising Shove}}:'' When you hit a creature with an attack of opportunity, you may push it 15 feet in any direction. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
• ''{{Anchor|Belly Strike}}:'' The first time you hit each prone creature each round, you may make it make a Fortitude save or be Nauseated for 1 round, save ends. This counts as precision damage and is negated by things that negate critical hits.
• ''{{Anchor|Put Some Dirt in Your Eye}}:'' As an attack action, you may throw a powdered substance, forcing creatures in a 15' cone to make a Reflex save or be blinded until they take a full-round action to rub their eyes. A creature that successfully saves is immune to this trick for 5 minutes.

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