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User:Leziad/Awakened Witch

325 bytes removed, 25 June
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* '''Class Skill:''' A witch adds both Perception and Sense Motive to her list of class skills.* ''Patron:'' In addition to having access to the normal list of patrons, a witch has access to the witching patron (see below).\
* ''Patron Spells:'' A witch no longer gain access to her patron spells at a set level, instead she always counts as knowing any patron spells of any levels she can cast. She may convert prepared spell into her a patron spell of an equal level or lower spontaneously. If a witch becomes a spontaneous caster, she merely adds her patron spells to her list of spell known whenever she gain access to a new spell level.
* ''Cackle:'' The cackle hex becomes a class feature gained at 3rd level.
'''Witching Patron:''' Instead of relying on otherworldly beings, some witches gain their power through the teaching passed down by ancient witches. These witches do not gain a patron from a list of patron. Instead she chooses a single 1st level spell on the witch list to be her 1st level patron spell, repeating the process whenever she gain access to a new spell level. This prevents the witch from accessing spells outside of her spell list with her patron, but grants her more flexibility with her patron spells.
===New & Revised Hexes===
At 8th level, while under the effect of this hex, the witch is under a constant [ ''nondetection''] effect. This does not apply to the 5th level ability.
====Hexing Talisman {{Ex}}====
A witch with this hex gains the [[SRD:Craft Wondrous Item|Craft Wondrous Item]] feat as a bonus feat. Additionally any creature currently wearing an item crafted by the witch takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against the witch's hexes or spells.
====Green Thumb {{Su}}====
As a standard action, a witch may affect a single plants she can touch with either [[SRD:Plant Growth|''plant growth'']] spell or the [[SRD:Diminish Plants|''diminish plant'']]. At 5th level she adds both [[SRD:Plant Growth|''plant growth'']] and [[SRD:Diminish Plants|''diminish plant'']] to her list of patron spells.
===New Feat: Schooled Witch=Shadow Master {{Ex}}====''Prerequisites:'' Advanced Hex, Shadow Patron
{{3.5e Feat|name=Schooled Witch|types=|summary=Irrelevant|prereqs=[[SRD:Spell Focus|Spell Focus]]When a witch with this hex casts shades, shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, witching patron class feature|fluff=You and similar illusion spells that have a better understanding listed fraction of arcane magic than many the strength of your peers.|benefit=When choosing spells for your witching patronreal effects, you may select spells from she increases the percentage of damage caused by the spell’s effect or summoned creatures by one-fifth (+20%) against creatures that make their saving throw against the sorcerer/wizard list whose school match effect, up to a school you chosen with maximum of 100% of the strength. Additionally any created creatures gain the benefits of the [[SRDhttps:Spell Focus|Spell Focus]], in addition to the witch list//www.d20pfsrd. |example=<!com/feats/general-feats/augment- If your summoning/ Augment Summoning] feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->|normal=|special=}}

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