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User:Leziad/Awakened Witch

126 bytes added, 24 June
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''Prerequisites:'' Grand Hex
The witch may use this powerful hex to place a potent and everlasting charm on a touched non-hostile target. The target is allowed a [[Will]] save, and if successful it is simply left [[SRD:Staggered|staggered]] for 1 round. If the hex is delivered through a gentle gesture or kiss, accepted willingly, then they take a –2 penalty on their [[Will]] save to resist. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.  If the target fails their [[Will]] save they fall under the effect behaving as the [[SRD:Charm Monster|''charm monster'']] spell, except for the following:
* The hex is quite difficult to remove, requiring a [[SRD:Remove Curse|''remove curse'']] or [[SRD:Break Enchantment|''break enchantment'']] spell with a successful opposed caster level check to break.
* The effect of this hex does not automatically break if your allies threaten, but if you threaten the target or refuse to defend them they are allowed another [[Will]] save to end the effect.t

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