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User:Leziad/Awakened Witch

1,675 bytes added, 20 June
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===New & Revised Hexes===
====Bewitching Charm {{Su}}====
''Prerequisites:'' Grand Hex
The witch may use this powerful hex to place a potent and everlasting a touched target. If the hex is delivered through a gentle gesture or kiss, accepted willingly, then they take a –2 penalty on their [[Will]] save to resist. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. If the target fails they fall under the effect behaving as the [[SRD:Charm Monster|''charm monster'']] spell, except for the following:
* The hex is quite difficult to remove, requiring a [[SRD:Remove Curse|''remove curse'']] or [[SRD:Break Enchantment|''break enchantment'']] spell with a successful opposed caster level check to break.
* The effect of this hex does not automatically break if your allies threaten, but if you threaten the target or refuse to defend them they are allowed another [[Will]] save to end the effect.t
* The target also develops an extremely strong love and loyalty toward the witch, either in a platonic or romantic sense. They will seek to please the witch and gain their favor, often going above and beyond. As a result target is always helpful toward the witch, and takes a a –4 bonus on their opposed [[Charisma]] checks made to resist obeying an order. The restriction against obviously harmful or suicidal order remains.
* The target is also unable to willingly lie to the witch.
The loyalty and love manifested by this hex lingers even if it is removed, the target remains helpful toward the witch even after the spell is removed. Although the target is now able to change their mind, especially if the deception is pointed out to them.
====Deep Hypnotism {{Su}}====

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