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Slive (3.5e Class)

29 bytes removed, 4 June
cleaning up grammar, clarifying nemesis, gave a 2 round/level duration to nemesis
'''{{Anchor|Zen Combat}}:''' The slive may choose to replace their ability modifier to attack and damage on finesse and ranged weapons with their [[Wisdom]]. This counts as [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] for the purpose of pre-requisites.
'''{{Anchor|Nemesis}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' The slive may mark a single visible creature within 30' as their nemesis as via a move action, using their psychic abilities to predict its movement and actionsto gain advantages against this foe for 2 rounds per level. Attacks against this target may a nemesis from within 30' deal extra bonus damage. The slive must be psionically focused to use their nemesis ability. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two slive levels thereafter. Should the slive score a critical hit, this extra damage is not multiplied. However, it does This bonus damage is not precision damage. A slive may not function on mark as a nemesis creatures immune to magic or psionics. If a slive marks a new nemesis then the previous target is no longer marked.
''{{Anchor|Swift Nemesis}}'' At 4th level the slive can mark a creature as their nemesis as a swift action.
''{{Anchor|Mindsight Nemesis}}'' At 7th level the slive does not need to rely on sight to mark a foe, and can mark a creature as their nemesis if they are their location is sensed via mindsight. A creature so detected marked as a nemesis is seen as though the slive had blindsight while it remains within range of their telepathy.
''{{Anchor|Multi-Nemesis}}'' At 13th level the slive can mark as their nemesis a number of creatures whose location is sensed via their mindsight equal to their wisdom modifier (minimum 1).
''{{Anchor|Mass Nemesis}}'' At 20th level the slive can mark as their nemesis all creatures whose location is sensed via their mindsight.
'''{{Anchor|Trapfinding}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' The slive gains [[SRD:Rogue#Trapfinding|trapfinding]] as a [[SRD:Rogue|rogue]].
'''{{Anchor|Mindsight}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' A slive of 6th level while maintaining psionic focus can precisely pinpoint other thinking beings within range of their telepathy. They gain [[SRD:Blindsense|blindsense]] out to the range of their telepathy, but can only detect non-mindless creatures. They may either expend their psionic focus, or focus as a full-round action to gain [[SRD:Blindsight|blindsight]] for 1 round instead. Mindsight can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
If a nonNon-mindless creature would be invisible to mindsight, such foes marked as a creature with the Darkstalker(LoM) feat, the slive is capable nemesis are automatically seen as if by blindsight while within range of feeling its presence and direction but not its distance or specific locationtheir mindsight.
'''{{Anchor|Nemesis Dodge}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]):''' A slive of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked by their nemesis. Additionally they gain an insight bonus to their armor class equal to their wisdom modifier (if positive) against attacks made by their nemesis, and an insight bonus to their saving throws equal to their wisdom modifier (if positive) against saves provoked by their nemesis.
At 16th level the slive may as an immediate action teleport up to 30' to evade a successful attack made by their nemesis, causing the attack to miss instead.
'''{{Anchor|Unreadable}} {{Ex}}:''' At 18th level the slive becomes unreadable to their nemesis. Against foes marked as a nemesis the slive is treated as if they were under the effect of ''[[SRD:Mind Blank|mind blank]]'' cast at their level. This ability continues to function even if their marked nemesis exits the range of their telepathy and is maintained so long as the slive maintains their psionic focus and does not mark new foes as their nemesis.

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