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[[Summary::Mystic Delvers are expert explorerexplorers, thieves, charmer charmers and wizards. A happy mix between a rogue and a wizard not relying on backstabbing but rather on cunning and a few powerful spells (and a lot of weaker spells).]]
[[Minimum Level::1]]
[[Class Ability::Prepared Arcane Spellcasting]]
==Mystic Delver==
Spells and incantations are one of the most useful and difficult tool tools to use, those who can use them with accuracy and proficiency are rare and far between. Mystic delvers are roguish magic-users between bards and wizard wizards in term terms of magical power but with quite a few resemblance to the sorcerer. Mystic delvers delver’s power come comes partly form from an inside source, much like the sorcerer and warlock but also from studies, crude pseudomagical pseudo magical devices and imitation of actual rites. Mystic delvers are skilled much like rogues, but their skill is more oriented toward exploration and dungeoncrawlingdungeon crawling.
Mystic delvers are roguish sorcerers, not as puny as pure casters but their spellcasting require requires special preparation and work. If their spellcasting is very improvised it also grant grants them great versatility when it come comes to using spell slots. Mystic delvers are united more in term terms of abilities rather than theme, the only constant thing between two delver delvers is their delving in the mystical arts.
===Making a Mystic Delver===
Mystic delvers are kings of utilities, while they have access to a limited selection of their strongest spells they are able to almost spontaneously cast their entire arsenal, which may be as vast as the wizard's. While their crude spellcasting preparation take takes some time they also possess the ability to truly spontaneously cast a few spells, particular spells that they seem to have an uncanny mastery with. Finally mystic delvers are about as sturdy as rogues, although they lack the insane damage potential they make it up with various skills, abilities and class featured features that allow them to be truly versatile.
The mystic delver only failing it it is its inability to specialize easily, they are also nowhere as resilient as a fighter or a barbarian.
'''Abilities:''' Mystic delver need needs [[charisma]] above all, it is their main spellcasting ability and influence influences many class features. Then come [[constitution]] and [[dexterity]], both are useful to increase the mystic delver survivability and relevance in combat (especially in the early game). Then [[intelligence]] allow allows the mystic delver to gain more skills per level, which is always useful.
'''Races:''' Mystic delver delvers are not thematically united, any races can be mystic delvers. Although humans and races with a [[charisma]] bonus usually make better mystic delver.
'''Alignment:''' Any.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Mystic delvers are proficient with all [[SRD:Simple Weapon Proficiency|simple weapons]] and [[SRD:Martial Weapon Proficiency|martial weapons]] plus one exotic weapon of their choice. Mystic delver are proficient with [[SRD:Armor Proficiency (Light)|light armor]], but not with [[SRD:Shield Proficiency|shields]].
'''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' Mystic delvers are strange casters, some even call them improvised casters. Mystic delverDelver's spellcasting is based on their charisma modifier. They draw spell from their [[#Repertoire|repertoire]], prepare them via the [[#Rites of Preparation|rites of preparation]] and may spontaneously cast her [[#Favorite Spells|favorite spell]] by expending a spell slot of the right level. The delver is an arcane spellcaster, unlike other spellcasting classes it its spell DC is 10 +1/2 HD + [[charisma]] modifier and is not based on spell levels. They may however never benefit from the [[SRD:Heighten Spell|heighten spell]] metamagic feat. Finally mystic delver delvers do not suffer from arcane spell failure check checks from light armor. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Mystic Delver. In addition, she receives [[SRD:Ability Scores#Ability Modifiers|bonus spells per day]] if she has a high [[SRD:Charisma|charisma]] score.
'''{{Anchor|Rites of Preparation}}:''' A mystic delver do does not cast spells like a sorcerer or wizard, while . While she do does not to prepare her spells daily like a wizard , she prepare on the spotinstead prepares her spells right before casting them . Preparing a spell is a move action, the delver make crude rites, imitations and improvised artifice in order to draw spells from her [[#Repertoire|repertoire]]. Once the spell is prepared it must be cast until the end of the delver's next turn otherwise it must be prepared again. Note that failing to cast a spell in time does not expend a spell slot.
'''{{Anchor|Favorite Spells}}:''' Mystic delvers A mystic delver's main spellcasting may not be as efficient as other arcane classclasses, however they pick up a few spells that stand out from their main arsenal. The delver must choose 3 schools during character creation, only spells from these schools may be picked as favorite spells. Favorite spells are learned when the delver gain gains a level, much like a sorcerer (see the table below). Favorite spells can be cast spontaneously, they do not need to be prepared as normal spells (see [[#Rites of Preparation|rites of preparation]], however they there are very few of them. When a delver cast casts a favorite spell she expend expends one of her unused spell slotslots, however she know knows a few spells favorite spell above any spell slot she has. She may only cast those spells by using the [[#Versatile Spellcasting|versatile spellcasting]] class feature (including the [[#Improved Versatile Spellcasting|improved]] and [[#Supreme Versatile Spellcasting|supreme version]]). Despite being spontaneous, favorite spell's casting time is not increased by metamagic.
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'''{{Anchor|Repertoire}}:''' A mystic delver's repertoire hold holds all her spells. It is not a physical object but work works much like a spellbook. The mystic delver may inscribed inscribe any arcane spell in her repertoire, including bard or wu jen spells. Adding a spell to the repertoire is free unlike a spellbook, however the delver never add adds spell to her repertoire by leveling (unless it is a favorite spell). She must find or purchase (or steal) any spell she want wants to add to her repertoire (which might cost some dosh). However she start starts the game with all 0 level spells and 3 1st level spell spells in her repertoire. Adding a spell to a repertoire take takes an hour per spell level, otherwise it work works just like adding a spell to a spellbook. She may not add a spell to her repertoire if she cannot cast it (so a 1st level mystic delver may not add a 2nd level spell to her repertoire while a 20th level level mystic delver may add spell up to 7th level to her repertoire.)
'''{{Anchor|Delving Tricks}}:''' Mystic delvers Delvers are master masters at, well delving, be in into traveling through dangerous territories, great dungeons of , or in the home of unwary victims. Mystic delvers pick mostly non-magical, but impressive tricks throughout their journey. At first level and each odd level thereafter a mystic delver may pick a trick from the list below. Most delving tricks can only be selected once, those that can be selected multiple time times will have it noted in their entry. All activated delving trick tricks may only be used once per round.
''{{Anchor|Battlemage}} {{Ex}}:'' You may gain proficiency with medium armor. You do not incur any arcane spell failure from wearing medium armor. Additionally you gain the ''Arcane Strike''CS feat as a bonus feat.
''{{Anchor|Better Trickster}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain an extra swift action or immediate action per round, this action may only be used to activate delving tricks. You may only select this trick if you have 11 or more level levels in Mystic Delver.
''{{Anchor|Devoted Delver}}'': Choose one domain, you gain the domain power and you may choose any of the spell spells on the domain list as spell for your favorite spell class features or inscribe them in your repertoire. Your mystic delver casting now count counts as divine spellcating when beneficial, although it still incur arcane spell failure as normal.
''{{Anchor|Extra Favorite Spell}}:'' You select an additional favorite spell of up to the maximum spell level you can cast. You may select this trick multiple timetimes.
''{{Anchor|Eye for Magic}} {{Ex}}:'' The delver may use [[SRD:Detect Magic|''detect magic'']] and [[SRD:Identify |''identify'']] at will as a move or swift action. At 10 character level she may do the same for [[SRD:Arcane Sight|''arcane sight'']] and at 15 character for [[SRD:Analyze Dweomer|''analyze dweomer'']].
''{{Anchor|Extra Stylish}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain an additional style trait. You need to be have 4 mystic delver class level levels in order to take this tricks trick and may take this delving tricks trick multiple time times but each time you need to have 4 more class level levels in mystic delver.
''{{Anchor|Fast Rites}} {{Su}}:'' Three time per day you may accelerated your [[#Rites of Preparation|rites of preparation]] to a swift action. After you get [[#Rapid Rites|rapid rites]] this become becomes a free action. You need to be at least 5th level or higher in order to take this delving trick.
''{{Anchor|Flashing Distraction}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain the ability to distract enemies within 30 feet as move or immediate action. Make a ranged touch attack against the target if the attack hit hits that creature must make a will save or lose it action. You may make this ability a [Mind-Affecting] effect, if you do not need to make the ranged touch attack but the target must be able to see or hear you, if the target fail it save become [[SRD:Fascinated|fascinated]] for 1 round (wasting the action).
You may take this delving trick twice, allowing you to use flashing distraction on one creature per point of charisma bonus you have.
''{{Anchor|Improvised Grappling Hooks}} {{Ex}}:'' The mystic delver may treat regular ropes and even [[SRD:Whip|whips]] as grappling hooks. She may use grappling hooks as if they were [[Hookshot (3.5e Equipment)|hookshot]]. If she use a a regular [[Hookshot (3.5e Equipment)|hookshot]] it range and lift capacity double and fire them as swift or move action.
''{{Anchor|Invoking Delver}} {{Sp}}:'' You learn a single invocation from the warlock list with a listed spell level equal or less than the highest spell level you can cast. You may choose this delving tricks multiple times, choosing a different invocation every times. ''{{Anchor|Jinxing Delver}} {{Ex}}:'' The first creature that target you in a round is automatically affected by an [[Hinder (3.5e Spell)|''hinder'']] effect with no save granted for 1 minute. This is not a [compulsion] or a [mind affecting] effect unlike the spell. If a creature under this effect would still fall under it again it must make a will save or be cursed as [[SRD:Bestow Curse|''bestow curse'']].
''{{Anchor|Mind your Business}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain the [[Hostile Mind (3.5e Feat)|hostile mind]] feat as a bonus feat. At 17 character level you are always under the effect of [[SRD:Mind Blank|''mind blank'']], this ability can be suppressed or resumed as a free action.
''{{Anchor|None the Wisest}} {{Ex}}:'' You have an uncanny talent when it come comes to mind control and bluff. When you successfully make a creature do an action through mundane mean means (such as bluff) or magic (such as suggestion) that creature must make an additional will save, if it fail fails it believe believes everything it did was it its own idea until proven otherwise. None the wisest do not work on the ''dominate'' spells. This is a [mind-affecting] ability.
''{{Anchor|Outsmart and Outclass}} {{Ex}}:'' You may as an immediate action force a creature within close range (including yourself) to reroll a single d20 roll. If that roll was an opposed roll against you that creature take takes a -4 penalty to the reroll.
''{{Anchor|Psychic Awakening}} {{Ps}}:'' You choose one 1st level power from the psion/wilder list, you may cats cast this power as a psi-like ability 2/day. You may select this trick multiple timetimes, each time choosing a new power and making the previously selected power usable 3/day and the power before it at-will.
If you select this delving trick at 5th level and previously selected it at least once you may choose a 2nd level power instead of a 1st level power. If you select this delving trick at 9th and previously selected it at least twice you may choose a 3rd level power instead of a 1st and 2nd level power. If you select this delving trick at 13th and previously selected it at least thrice you may choose a 4th level power instead of a 1st, 2nd and 3rd level power. If you select this delving trick at 17th and previously selected it at least four time times you may choose a 5th level power instead of a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th level power.
''{{Anchor|Stabbing Delver}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain sneak attack as a [[SRD:Rogue|rogue]]. Your sneak attack dice is equal to your number of delving tricks divided by 2 rounded up. You may take this trick multiple time, each time increasing half your effective rogue level by 2 (up to your HD).
''{{Anchor|Trick Focus}} {{Ex}}:'' Choose one activated delving trick you have, you gain [[Ability Focus, Variant (3.5e Feat)|variant ability focus]] as a bonus feat for that trick. If you have 10 more more mystic delver levels you may choose another trick to receive the same benefit.
''{{Anchor|Voice Imitation}} {{Ex}}:'' The mystic delver may use [[SRD:Ghost Sound|''ghost sound'']] as a swift action at will. The mystic delver may take 15 on [[bluff]] and [[disguise]] check when attempting to mimic the voice of a particular individual.
'''{{Anchor|Improvised Artificer}} {{Ex}}:''' A mystic delver NEED NEEDS to know her way around devices and magical items. She always has automatic maximum rank for her level in both [[SRD:Disable Device|disable device]] and [[SRD:Use Magic Device|use magic device]], effectively gaining those skills for free. Additionally you may use [[SRD:Use Magic Device|use magic device]] instead of [[SRD:Craft Skill|craft]] for crafting items (effectively giving you craft (everything)).
At 3rd level the mystic delver gain [[Mundane Crafter (3.5e Feat)|mundane crafter]] as a bonus feat. At 5th level the mystic delver gain [[Synchronize Magic Item (3.5e Feat)|synchronize magic item]] as a bonus feat.
'''{{Anchor|Trapfinding}} {{Ex}}:''' As [[SRD:Rogue|rogue]].
'''{{Anchor|Unlimited Cantrips}}:''' The mystic delver may cast an unlimited numbers number of cantrips. She still need needs to prepare her cantrips (unless she use uses a favorite cantrip) but casting it does not expend any spell slot.
'''{{Anchor|Versatile Casting}} {{Ex}}:''' A 3rd level mystic delver can use two spell slots of the same level to cast a spell in her repertoire or in her favorite spell list that is one level higher. She must still prepare the spell as normal, expending both spell slots as the spell is cast. She may use this ability to cast her favorite spells, if she does she does not need to prepare them and instead spontaneously expend the spell slots to cast her favorite spell. She may not use cantrips in conjunction with this ability.
''By example a 5rd A 5th level mystic delver may expend two 2nd level spell slot slots to cast a 3rd level favorite spell spontaneously. Alternatively the same mystic delver may prepare a 2nd level spell with her rite of preparation and decide upon casting to expend two 1st level spell slot instead of a 2nd level spell slot.''
'''{{Anchor|Style}} {{Ex}}:''' A 2nd level mystic delver gain gains a style, she must choose benefits from the list below. A style has two traits chosen from the following list:* ''Adept Spellweaver'': You gain the ability to cast each of your favorite spell spells as a spell-like ability twice per day. Those spell-like abilities still count as spell spells you cast, thus benefits from feats such as spell focus, abilities that affect your spells and you still need to pay any material or experience components. * ''Alp Conqueror'': You are a master mountaineer capable of conquering the highest summits, you gain a climb speed equal to your lands land speed and you can rise from being prone as a free action that do does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Additionally you can survive without trouble in high altitude and cannot be made [[SRD:Sickened|sickened]] or [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]].
* ''Black Widow'': You add [[Ishara's Enticing Directive (3.5e Spell)|''ishara's enticing directive'']] on your favorite spell list. Additionally you gain the [http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20070227x ''seduce to learn''] ability.
* ''Cheating Rascal'': The mystic delver may use ''cheat'' at will as an extraordinary ability. Additionally as a swift action she may gain one third of her level as a 'luck' bonus to her next action that involve involves a d20 roll.* ''Drunken Style'': The mystic delver gain [[Tea House Fighter (3.5e Feat)|tea house fighter]] as a bonus feat. For the purpose of receive receiving the benefit of this feat your base attack bonus count counts as being equal to your character level.* ''Exotic Fighting Style'': You are proficient with every weapons and in any weapon or armor, including any exotic weapons and armors. Additionally you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing exotic armor and deal +2 damages when fighting with exotic weapons.* ''Learned Professor'': You may base all of your mystic delver abilities on your [[intelligence]] if thi would be advantageous (including spellcasting). Additionally you encounter a new language, if you interacts interact (read or speak to a creature that knows it) with it for at least 5 minutes you may attempt a DC 10 intelligence check, if you succeed you learns learn the language.
* ''Psionic Delver'': You gain the Hidden talent feat, additionally whenever you take the ''psychic awakening'' delving trick you can choose powers from one of the psion discipline list chosen when you take this style trait.
* ''Master of Maze'': You gain the [[SRD:Minotaur|minotaur]]'s natural cunning ability, allowing you to solve maze mazes with incredible ease, additionally you gain uncanny dodge (using your mystic delver level instead of barbarian).* ''Smoking Hot'': No matter your actual appearance you always look good, dashing and melt melting the heart hearts of members of the opposite gender (and some of the same) and the audience with your charismatic moxie. The DC of your mind-affecting delving tricks and special abilities increase by 2.
* ''Whipfighter'': The mystic delver gain proficiency with a [[SRD:Whip|whip]], [[Improved Whip Proficiency (3.5e Feat)|improved whip proficiency]] and [[Advanced Whip Tactics (3.5e Feat)|advanced whip tactic]]. Additionally you count as being a fighter of half your mystic delver level for the purpose of qualifying for feat and prestige class.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}}:''' At 4th, 8th, 14th and 18th the mystic delver gain a bonus feat she meet the prerequisite of, this feat must be either be a [[SRD:Item Creation (Feat Type)|item creation]] feat, a [[SRD:Metamagic (Feat Type)|metamagic]] feat, [[SRD:Skill Focus|skill focus]], [[SRD:Spell Focus|spell focus]] or a [[Subsidy (3.5e Feat Type)|subsidy]] feat.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Versatile Casting}} {{Ex}}:''' A 9th level mystic delver may is now even more versatile in her use of spell, this ability work as [[#Versatile Casting|versatile casting]] except the delver may also use three spell slots of the same level to cast a spell in her repertoire or in her favorite spell list that is two level levels higher. This ability has the same restrictions as [[#Versatile Casting|versatile casting]].
'''{{Anchor|Delver's Fortune}} {{Su}}:''' A 10th level mystic delver may user [[Publication:Spell Compendium|''ruin delver's fortune'']] as an immediate action once per minute.
'''{{Anchor|Imbue Item}} {{Ex}}:''' A mystic delver of 12th level or higher can use her supernatural power to create magic items, even if she does not know the spells required to make an item. She can substitute a Use Magic Device check (DC 15 + spell level for arcane spells or 25 + spell level for divine spells) in place of a required spell she doesn't know or can't cast.
'''{{Anchor|Rapid Rites}}:''' A 16th level mystic delver may make her [[#Rites of Preparation|rites of preparation]] as a swift action if she wish wishes so.
'''{{Anchor|Supreme Versatile Spellcasting}} {{Ex}}:''' A 17th mystic delver may is now master in her use of spells of lower levels, this ability work as [[#Versatile Casting|versatile casting]] and [[#Versatile Casting|improved versatile casting]] except the delver may also use four spell slots of the same level to cast a spell in her repertoire or in her favorite spell list that is three level levels higher. This ability has the same restrictions as [[#Versatile Casting|versatile casting]].
'''{{Anchor|Conqueror of Dungeons}} {{Su}}:''' At level 20 the delver is always under the effect of [[Foresight (3.5e Spell)|''foresight'']].
'''{{Anchor|Epic Progression Bonus Feat}}:''': At level 21, 24, 28 and each 4 level levels thereafter the Mystic Delver gain gains one feat of her choosing (including epic feat) that she meet meets the prerequisite as a bonus feat.
'''{{Anchor|Epic Delving Tricks}} {{Ex}}:''' An epic mystic delver's delving tricks increase in potency, she choose chooses half of her delver tricks rounded down to become epic delver tricks. Those tricks received an upgrade as detailed below.
''Epic Battlemage'' (Ex): You can cast in any armor and never suffer from arcane spell failures.
''Epic Better Trickster'' (Ex): When using the immediate action from a better trickster you do not consume your swift action for the next round.
''Epic Devoted Delver'': You add the chosen domain's spells to your favorite spell list.
''Epic Found Familiar:'' You gain the obtain familiar feat as a bonus feat even if you do meet the prerequisite. You may select this delving trick twice, the second time gaining improved familiar instead.
''Epic Good Footing (Ex):'' You may grant your trap insight class features to all allies within medium range of you as a free action usable outside your turn, this bonus last lasts for 1 round.
''Epic Hardy Explorer (Ex):'' As a swift action you can grant yourself immunity to one energy type for 1 round.
''Epic Jinxing Delver (Su):'' You may use greater bestow curse as a spell-like ability at will. Additionally when you die you let out a powerful dying curse, affecting the creature who slayed you as ''greater bestow curse'' with no saves or spell resistance allowed.
''Epic Mind your Business (Ex):'' Whenever a creature target targets you with a [mind affecting] ability it must make a will save, if it fail fails it instantly become becomes the target of it its own [mind affecting] ability and when advantageous you count as being the caster.
''Epic None the Wisest (Ex):'' Your none the wisest delving trick no longer require requires a save, it just happen happens automatically.
''Epic Outsmart and Outclass (Ex):'' Whenever you use your ''outsmart and outclass'' delving trick on a creature, if it fail whatever it was trying it fall under the effect of [[SRD:Crushing Despair|''crushing despair'']] for 1 minute.
''Epic Psychic Awakening (Ps)'': All psi-like abilities granted by psychic awakening become usable an additional time per day.
''Epic Stabbing Delver (Ex)'': You gain sneak attack progression of a rogue of your level, this overlap overlaps the normal bonus granted by stabbing delver..
''Epic Voice Imitation'' (Ex): No clue yet.