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Living Jar (3.5e Race)

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==LacertanLiving Jar==
[[Summary::Humanoid creatures that have Burial jars filled with earth, hosting the bodyof an honoured warrior within themselves, shape and mentality of lizards and other sauriansthey strive to prove their own worth.]]
Self-reliantLiving jars are positive, wild, cunning heroic and sly are all traits of the standard lacertan. They are often solitaryoutgoing creatures, who just congregate whose only purpose in small, tribe-like groups, not more than expanded families, but even so, lacertans give more credit life is to personal attachments rather than social bondsbe happy and show their courage and combat prowess by throwing themselves against enemy after enemy, an expression of their strong individuality (they may appear even lacking compassion to other races)win or die with honor.
They aren't outright reckless though, and may assess the danger their are in and choose to flee (a difficult decision nonetheless), vowing to grow stronger and try again to overcome their failure.  Despite this, they share a common ancestryare not exceedingly violent or brutish: they are instead philosofically inclined, thoughful, open to honest discussion, religion and cultural heritage the majority are good-hearted, or at least find value in positive relationships and acknowledge this when interacting with each other. They often prefer to stand together towards other race, even if they don't personally know each othermoral codes.
===Physical Description===
Lacertans They are a curiois race , as the name implies, big jars, made of people-like lizardsclay, ceramic with no specific denomitator to refer to: they may be sleekcovers on the top. The jars are finely decorated, sturdytruly works of art, filled to the brim with long or shorter tails, thin or squared heads, sometimes frilled or feathered, and in some cases they have some sort earth containg the corpse of fur growing from their scales. They can assume a variety of colors, from grey to dull green, brown, vibrant leaf color, golden sand and suchdeceased warrior. Their specific colors and physical traits depend on their habitatOriginally this jars where used as graves for those warriors, which commands but the indomitable combat spirit of the color warrior filled every nook of their scalesthe vessel, allowing them giving life to better hide in itthe whole.
They prefer to wear comfortable clotheshave long humanoid arms and short legs, apt for survival made of the very earth that fills them. They grow in the wild size according to the characteristics of honor they gathered in their landlife.
Due to their secretive and violent ways Their unique appereance makes others wary of them, but they are a jovial and reliable race, often shunned by acting heroicly for others with no return other racesthan glory. For this, which sometimes accomunate them to orcsthey may weave many friendly relationships with good people. Their morbid origin if often overlooked, especially in those regions where they resort to stealingsocieties' that honour greatly their fallen warriorsSometimes they are better received, when they put away their violent inclination and try to stay together, or when they live in more urbanized areas
Evil lacertans become brigands, either with a small group of kindred or in a larger group, with more diverse background. Other lacertans become solitary nature guardians people may try to kill them to use their bodies and protect natural sites with their life, fragments in a sacred duty. Most good lacertans fight for the rights of the oppressed and often join revolutions magic rituals and political movements (bit also armies)potions.
The majority of lacertans Almost all living jar are chaoticgood, a trait reflecting their independent nature and love for freedom. Fewer are neutralmost lawful, while lawful lacertans as they are almost unheardnaturally willing to help those in need with their strength.
They tend towards neutrality on The rare evil or chaotic jars have been found scavenging the tomb of heroes with the intentions of stealing the good-evil axisbody to use its strength, but chaotic good lacertans do exist, who become mostly freedom-fighters. Evil-aligned lacertans usually such actions are the most prolific pillagersprohibited among them.
They are widespread among almost all environments, having adapted to a variety of climates and terrains. They usually live in small villages, very much in contact with nature (except for Though the minority of city-dwelling lacertans)ancient land whence they came is long forgotten, foragingthey may be found everywhere, hunting and sometimes pillaging for sustenance, while guarding their habitat and caring for itas they travel to find new worthy opponentsSometimes
Their They have no specific faith pays homage to the First Predator and First Prey, two god-like concepts but often represented by a lizard biting its tail who preside over the aspects for death worship deities of honor and lifebattle, hunting and nature. Most lacertans who become nature guardian devote themselves to this divine entitythey honour greatly those fallen in combat.
Their language of choice is Common, mainly for its semplicityas they historically learned it to better travel through the lands and have been teaching it to their young ever since.
Their They usually inherit names often refer to a physical trait or notable thing about the individualthat are variations of their hero's name, such as Red Tongue or Mad Tailof other important figures.
===Racial Traits===
|specialtext6=Their powerful arms are made for attacking. They gain a feral strike in the form of a slam attack, with the statistics presented below.
|special6=Slam Attack

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