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Petramorph (3.5e Spell)

47 bytes removed, 02:23, 28 March 2024
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|subj=One creature
|save=[[Fortitude]] PartialNegate
|summary=You damage a creature, possibly turning it to stone if enough damage is dealt.}}
This curse turns the target’s flesh into stone, petrifying them where they stand. The target is dealt 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6)and causes the target to be [[SRD:Slow|slowed]] (as the spell) for 1 round. A successful [[Fortitude]] save negates the slow effect, but not the damage. If the target takes more than half of its current hit points in damage from the spell, it must make another [[Fortitude]] saving throw or its body petrifies and turns to stone. On a successful save, if it fails the target instead takes 1d4+1 [[DexterityFortitude]] drain. If the target is save or if slain by the damage, or reduced to a [[Dexterity]] of 0, it also petrifies as if it had failed the [[Fortitude]] save.
Upon petrification, the target turns to an inert statue of stone, its equipment is not affected. Unlike [[SRD:Flesh to Stone|''flesh to stone'']], petrify petramorph kills the target and they may be revived as normal, although the body needs to be unpetrified for [[SRD:Raise Dead|''raise dead'']].

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