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Circle of the Moon (One)

397 bytes removed, 17:55, 15 December 2023
updated for UA 2023 PH Playtest 8
{{ambiguous|Circle of the Moon|D&D One Druid subclass}}{{Onepointer|UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 68|playtest=true|ua=true|noncanon=true}}<br clear="right" /><div style="display:block; float:right; max-width:30vw;">
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===Design Note: Circle of the Moon Updates===
<ref name="ua23phpt6ua23phpt8" />&nbsp;Here are the main updates in this subclass since its last playtest version, aimed at improving its play and its connection to the lunar theme:* {{iplink|Circle FormsSpells}} has returned from the 2014 version of the subclass. As in that version, the feature is improved at 6th level — now in a new feature called that provides spells that you always have prepared and can cast in Wild Shape form.* {{iplink|Improved Circle Forms}}. * {{iplink|(formerly Combat Wild Shape}} now lets you use either your AC or ) has been streamlined to determine your Beast form’s AC, whichever is higher. The feature also ensures you always have ''Moonbeam'' prepared, and you can cast that spell while in a Wild Shape formthe number of Temporary Hit Points gained. As in the previous Druid playtest, the feature also * Improved Circle Forms lets you cast Abjuration spells add your Wisdom modifier to your Constitution saving throws while in a Wild Shape form (most healing spells now belong to the Abjuration school). * {{iplink|Moonlight Step}} is a new 10th-level feature, which allows the Druid to teleport. * {{iplink|Lunar Form}} is a new 14th-level feature, which enhances other features in the subclassnow also lets each of your Wild Shape attacks deal extra Radiant damage.
</div>{{One Subclass
|name=Circle of the Moon
|refs=<ref name="ua23phpt6ua23phpt8">{{Cite Pub|UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 68}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.</ref>
|summary=This {{onelc|Druid}} subclass draws on the power of the moon. This grants enhancement to {{one|Wild Shape}} and bestows other abilities.
|trait1=Circle FormsSpells|traitlvl1=3rd, 5th , 7th, 9th|traitdesc1='''Summary:''' Your {{One|Wild Shape}} is more powerfulAt these Druid levels, you gain access to certain spells that you always have prepared. You can choose up to ({{OneSpell Line|CRCure Wounds, Moonbeam, Starry Wisp, Vampiric Touch, Fount of Moonlight, Dawn}} 1 for your Beast Form.)
|trait2=Combat Wild ShapeCircle Forms|traitlvl2=3rd, 6th|traitdesc2='''Summary:''' Your Beast Form is more powerful{{One|Wild Shape}} has the following benefits:* '''{{anchor|Armor ClassChallenge Rating}}.''' You can use the Your Beast's forms may be of a higher {{oneOne|ACCR}} or your own AC (including ⅓ Druid level).* '''{{onelcanchor|ArmorClass}} but not .''' Your {{onelcOne|ShieldAC}} in beast form is calculated (base + {{OneWis}}smod) while in Beast Form.
* '''{{anchor|Temporary Hit Points}}.''' You gain {{One|Temporary Hit Point}}s{{5ertthpds}} when you assume Beast Form.
At 6th level your Beast form gains the following additional benefits:* '''{{anchor|Abjuration SpellsLunar Radiance}}.''' You Beast form attack can cast do {{One|AbjurationRadiant}} {{onelc|Spell}}s while in Beast Form (with some restrictions)damage.* '''{{anchor|MoonbeamIncreased Toughness}}.''' You have the Beast form {{OnespellOne|MoonbeamConstitution}} spell prepared and you can cast it in Beast Form. |trait3=Improved Circle Forms|traitlvl3=6th|traitdesc3='''Summary:''' The maxiumum CR for your Wild Shape is ⅓ your Druid level (round down). Also, your attacks in animal form can do {{Oneonelc|RadiantSave}} damages are buffed.
|trait4trait3=Moonlight Step|traitlvl4traitlvl3=10th|traitdesc4traitdesc3='''Summary:''' A limited number of times a day you can use a {{One|Bonus Action}} to {{onelc|Teleport}}. This boosts your next {{onelc|Attack Roll}} on that {{onelc|Turn}}. You can spend a 2nd+ level {{onelc|Spell Slot}} to gain an additional use of this.
|trait5=Lunar Form
|traitdesc5='''Summary:''' You gain the following benefits:
* '''Movable MoonbeamImproved Lunar Radiance.''' When you use ''Moonbeam'' you can move it each turnWild Shape attacks do bonus Radiant damage.* '''Shared Moonlight.''' You can bring one willing {{onelc|Creature}} with you when you {{iplink|Moonlight Step}}can also teleport 1 ally.
|desc=This {{onelc|Druid}} subclass draws on the power of the moon. This grants enhancement to {{one|Wild Shape}} and bestows other abilities.
|name=Circle of the Moon
|level3={{iplink|Circle FormsSpells}}, {{iplink|Combat Wild ShapeCircle Forms}}|level6={{iplink|Improved Circle Forms}}
|level10={{iplink|Moonlight Step}}
|level14={{iplink|Lunar Forms}}

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