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== Marksman's Strap ==
[[Summary::A system of strap and pulley, which allows the user to sheath a ranged weapon as a free action. | ]] A marksman's strap is a system of various straps and pulley pulleys connected to the user's waist and shoulders. ]] You can attach a bow or other two-handed ranged weapon to a marksman's strap as a standard action. When dropped, a weapon attached to a marksman's strap can be 'sheathed' as a free action as it is pulled behind the user's back. If not sheathed when dropped, the user takes a -1 –1 penalty to attack rolls and a -3 –3 armor check penalty as the bow or weapon dangles from their back. The weapon can be grasped again as a swift action.
[[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] (Technology) DC [[Craft DC::20]]. Market Price [[Cost::300 gp]].