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Masosado (3.5e Race)

162 bytes added, 18:32, 12 September 2023
Racial Traits
|specialtext1=A young masosado is wrapped in barbed wire as a customary coming of age ritual, and, for alla its life, iron points juts from its skin, stinging it and those who touch it. Masosados count as if always having [[SRD:Armor Spikes|armor spikes]], but only if wearing medium, light or no armor, and they are proficient with them. They can also improve them as weapons. As a side effect, their unarmed strikes, slam and tail attacks deal bludgeoning and piercing damage. Once per round, if they hit in melee with their barbed wire, unarmed strikes, or any natural attack they suffer 1 point of damage, ignoring any damage reduction.
|special1=Barbed Flesh

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