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Masosado (3.5e Race)

1,872 bytes added, 26 June
Alternate Racial Features
Masosados have violent, chaotic tendencies and are inclined to depression, self-pity, verbal and physical aggression. They usually cultivate negative emotions and sensations above all, driven by the need of causing pain, to others as well as themselves.
A lot of them are [[Painzerker , variant (3.5e Trait)|painzerkers]].
===Physical Description===
They worship deities of pain and torture, and most pay respects to Loviatar as a patron deity. Good or neutral masosados may worship Ilmater or Phieran instead.
As for how they exist within a society: among themselves, they manage to create cohesion thanks to their traditions and culture of pain-making arts as well their self-preservation instinct and preference for their own kind over others. As humans want to give their best to their offspring so masosados want to give the best pain, and ways to inflict it, to their own children. They are still harsh, and mortality is still high among them, a fact that also contributes to the survival of the strongest.
Because of this, they can live together, in tribal society, more or less savage. More urbanized masosados may have opted for more civilized ways to express their instincts, wether in red districts, fight clubs, law enforcing, such as torturers, slavery, and the most acceptable way of violence: adventuring. Or crime.
Religious followers of Phieran or Ilmater may choose to focus more on the self-inflicted aspect of pain and on emdurance and tolerance, making them very strange masosados.
To most masosados death is generally considered a bad thing, because it means the interruptiom of pain.
|specialtext1=A young masosado is wrapped in barbed wire as a customary coming of age ritual, and, for alla all its life, iron points juts from its skin, stinging it and those who touch it. Masosados count as if always having [[SRD:Armor Spikes|armor spikes]], but only if wearing medium, light or no armor, and they are proficient with them. They can also improve them as weapons. As a side effect, their unarmed strikes, slam and tail attacks deal bludgeoning and piercing damage. Once per round, if they hit in melee with their barbed wire, unarmed strikes, or any natural attack they suffer 1 point of damage, ignoring any damage reduction.
|special1=Barbed Flesh
|specialtext7=Being one of their preferred ways to inflict pain, masosados learn from a young age how to use whips. They have free proficiency with the [[SRD:Whip|whip]].|special7=Whip Mastery|specialtype7= |autolanguage=Common
|bonuslanguage=Any, except for secret ones
===Racial Options===
===Alternate Racial Features===
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In Pathfinder games they have also gain a +2 bonus to Constitution.
====Alternate Racial Features====
* ''Pain Tolerance Training:'' The masosado has undergone a special training to better tolerate pain. It gains the [[Pain Tolerance Training (3.5e Trait)|Pain Tolerance Training]] trait. This trait alters, but does not replaces, the Pain Tolerance and Woundproof Skin traits* '':''
* ''Painzerker:'' Fueled by pain, this masosado unleashes a powerful rage when hurt. It gains the [[Painzerker, variant (3.5e Trait)|Painzerk]] trait. At level 10th the bonuses from the traits are doubled (both the normal effect and the ''rage'' effect). This trait replaces the Pain Treshold trait.
===Vital Statistics===

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