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Sacred Lineage (3.5e Flaw)

4 bytes added, 00:03, 1 September 2023
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|effect=If you are non-good, then you count as good aligned when disadvantageous for the purpose of spell effect, smite good, [[SRD:About Planes|planar traits]] being damaged by an [[SRD:Unholy|unholy]] weapon. Additionally [[SRD:Curse Water|unholy water]] deals you 1 point of damage on touch. If you are good-aligned then you count as an outsider with the [good] subtype for those effects and [[SRD:Curse Water|unholy water]] damages you like a good outsider.
Additionally you bear a physical sign of your ancestry, such as a birthmark, golden irises or similar trait. Those seeing this sign can make a [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|knowledge]] check (local or religion) DC 15 to learn about your heritage. An outsider with the [evil] subtype will immediately recognize you as a potential enemy, its attitude will worsen by one step toward hostile, although you may adjust it again without further penalties. The sign may be concealed, but is revealed through clothes by a [[SRD:Detect Good|''detect good'']] spell.
|benefit=A {{Property Link|Flaw Grants|Dungeons and Dragons Wiki:Article Balance#Moderate Balance|Moderate bonus feat}} or lower for which you meet the prerequisites.}}

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