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==Extending Chain==
[[Summary::The weapon's chain can be extended or retracted at-will as a free action, allowing it to be used as a whip.]] This enhancement can only be placed on a chained weapon, such as a [[SRD:Spiked Chain|spiked chain]] or [[SRD:Flail|flail]]. The weapon's chain can be extended or retracted at-will as a free action. If you are proficient with whips, you can use the enhanced weapon as a whip during your turn. You still threaten at your normal reach, but you may make attacks beyond at up to 15-ft., doing so provokes an attack of opportunity, much like doing so with a whip. The enhanced weapon counts as a whip for the purpose of feats such as [https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/whip-mastery-combat/ Whip Mastery] feat function for a weapon with this enhancement.
The chains can otherwise be extended to up to 50-ft as a standard action, allowing you to perform mundane tasks such as using it as a rope. In this state it cannot be used as a weapon. You can return the chain to a normal length as a free action.