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Petramorph (3.5e Spell)

4 bytes removed, 07:06, 30 April 2023
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|subschool=<!-- subschool of spell if any, name only; ex: Calling -->
|lvl=Druid 64, Sorcerer/Wizard 64
|casttime=1 Standard Action
|summary=You damage a creature, possibly turning it to stone if enough damage is dealt.}}
As you finish casting this spell you attempt to turn your target to stone, dealing 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d815d8) and 1 point of [[Dexterity]] damage to it. If the target takes more than half of its current hit points in damage from the spell, it must make a [[Fortitude]] saving throw or its body petrifies and turns to stone. On a successful save the target takes an additional 1d4 points of [[Dexterity]] damage. If the target is slain by the damage, or reduced to a [[Dexterity]] of 0, it also petrifies as if it had failed the [[Fortitude]] save.
Upon petrification, the target turns to an inert statue of stone, its equipment is not affected. Unlike [[SRD:Flesh to Stone|''flesh to stone'']], petrify kills the target and they may be revived as normal, although the body needs to be unpetrified for [[SRD:Raise Dead|''raise dead'']].

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