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Mirroring Presence (3.5e Feat)

5 bytes added, 08:40, 13 April 2023
Some minor fixes, looks cool, I'd like to evalueate it better later
|prereqs=<!-- All prerequisites, including feats -->Must be corporeal, Must have a [[Constitution]] Score, 12 HD or more
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=When a creature with this feat receives damage from an attack, after it takes damage, it creates images of itself that float around it as per de the ''[[SRD:Mirror Image|Mirror Imagemirror image]] '' spell. It creates 1d4+1 images the first time of each round it receives damage from an attack (up to 8 images). Each image has an AC equal to 10 + [[Dexterity]] modifier + size modifier of the creature. This is a supernatural effect, and count as an Illusion for purpose of interaction with other effects.
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->

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