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Black Karma (3.5e Flaw)

85 bytes added, 23:42, 6 April 2023
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|summary=Your lifeforce and soul has been tainted by evil. This could be the result of fiends within your parentage, a great evil done in a previous life, or other unfortunate circumstance. Whether to embrace or spurn your heritage is a choice you must make.
|prerequisite=Humanoid type
|effect=You are naturally predisposed to evil. You take a –2 penalty against [Compulsion] effect or against other flaws which would make you do evil acts, and these acts are not considered against your naturedue to good or neutral alignment (but may be judged to be so based on other factors). Additionally the effect of this flaw change based on your current alignment:
* If you are good-aligned, you are detected as an evil creature rather than a creature of your actual alignment. You are treated as an evil-aligned creature for the purposes of effects, such as smite evil, which deals additional damage to evil creatures, although the bonus damage is halved. You are treated as non-good for the purpose of any aura class feature you possess.
* If you are neutral-aligned, you are detected as an evil creature rather than a creature of your actual alignment. You are treated as an evil-aligned creature for the purposes of effects, such as smite evil, which deals additional damage to evil creatures. You are treated as evil for the purpose of any aura class feature you possess.

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