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Dirk (3.5e Equipment)

230 bytes added, 20:01, 12 February 2023
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A dirk is a long thrusting dagger, often used in naval battle. Those who are trained user can use it to deal grievous wounds, and draw it quickly. Without exotic weapon proficiency a dirk uses the same profile as a [[SRD:Dagger|dagger]], except slightly heavier. A user with exotic weapon proficiency can can draw a dirk as a free action. If they have the [[SRD:Quick Draw|Quick Draw]] feat in addition to the exotic weapon proficiency, they can draw the dirk as a free action even if it is a concealed weapon.
A dirk counts as a [[SRD:Dagger|Dagger]] for all intent and purpose except for proficiency. By example, feats such as [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] (dagger) would apply to a dirk, and vise versa, but wouldn't stack together.
See also: [ Dirk]

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