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Talk:Paladin, Sulacu Variant (3.5e Class)

31 bytes added, 21:23, 8 January 2023
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I know this has been around for 14 years now, but Moderate is kinda loco thanks to the invocations. I don't know how it evaded the balance police all this time.
• Divine Blast can deal 10d12 8d12 damage at level 4 when you get it if you optimize charisma (start 18, +2 race, +2 item) and take Practiced Spellcaster (+4 CL up to HD)for 2d12 base +6d12 cha. Even if you don't boost CL and have a slightly lower charisma that is 7d12 6d12 damage at level 4 which is at least High balance damage output.
• Healing Surge again with a boosted CL healing 1d8/CL to 10' area (probably will catch 1-2 allies plus self) means that at higher levels you can be approximately undoing the damage output of a 2 fireballs to the party (assuming party fails 50% of saves) per round. This seems good enough healing that if that was your only schtick you would still change most party combats to easy wins, so at least High balance again.

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