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Strategic Spell (3.5e Feat)

12 bytes removed, 21:35, 27 September 2022
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|types=Epic, Metamagic
|summary=You greatly increase the size of an area of effect spell.
|prereqs=<!-- All prerequisites, including feats -->[[SRD:Widen Spell|Widen Spell]]
|fluff=Your mastery of magic allows you to turn a fireball in a city-destroying spell.
|benefit=A spell modified by this metamagic field affects the battlefield in a strategic scale rather than tactical, increasing its effective area size to miles rather than feet. The spell's range is similarly affected, although it does not remove the normal requirement of line of sight and effect a spell may have. The caster may freely reduce the area affected, up to a minimum of 1 mile. Only a spell with an area as its primary or secondary effect can have a strategic spell applied to it. A strategic spell uses up a spell slot six levels higher than the spell’s actual level.

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