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Object Obsession (3.5e Flaw)

4 bytes added, 07:43, 16 February 2022
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|date_created=3rd November 2018
{{3.5e Flaw
|summary=You are utterly obsessed with a single item in your possession, you tend to freak out when you don't feel it in your pocket and you simply cannot bear being away from it for any amount of time.
|effect=Choose a single item in your possession at character creation, this item is the subject of your obsession. This item must have a meaning to the character, it may be a special coin, a pendant or even a sword. You have a strong compulsion to keep the item very close, and you freak out if anything happen happens to it.
You constantly worry when not on your person where you can feel it or in line of sight, forcing you to check if it is still here every so often. This constant stress and odd behavior place a -2 penalty on all [[Charisma]]-based skills. If you leave the item somewhere or lend it to another creature you become [[Revised Fear Effects (3.5e Variant Rule)#Shaken|Shaken]] for as long as it is not on your person.
If you find that you lost the item you become [[Revised Fear Effects (3.5e Variant Rule)#Frightened|Frightened]], however instead of retreating attempting to find the item allow you act with a reduced penalty. If another creature has the item without your permission you become frightened as above, except you are also [[At Bay (3.5e Condition)|At Bay]] from the creature. If the item is destroyed you suffer a terrible mental breakdown and start [[SRD:Cowering|Cowering]] and crying for 1d4 rounds, after which you obtain one random major and two minor [[Psychosis (3.5e Condition)|Psychosispsychosis]] until the item is repaired or you overcome this flaw.
|special=The fear-effects of this flaw bypass any immunities you may have but do not stack with other fear effects. If you lose or relinquish the item, you may overcome this flaw by skipping the next feat you would get from leveling, at which point you no longer suffer from this flaw.}}
{{3.5e Flaws Breadcrumb}}

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