→Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Force Specialization:}} {{Ex}}:''' An Argent Battle Mage gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls made with her force spells. She also adds a +1 bonus to each die of damage dealt by spells she casts with the force descriptor. If the force spell doesn’t deal damage expressed by dice, she adds only a +1 bonus to the total damage dealt. For example, a magic missile cast by a 9th-level Wizard/1st-level Argent Battle Mage deals 1d4+2 points of damage per missile. A 9th-level Wizard/4th-level Argent Battle Mage deals 4d6+7 points of force damage with her Mordenkainen’s sword spell.
'''{{Anchor|Energy Thesis}} {{Ex}}:''' Beginning at first level the Argent Battle Mage discovers that it is easier to manipulate the energies of their force spells. Whenever an Argent Battle Mage casts a spell with the force descriptor they may add apply any metamagic they know to that spell without increasing the spell’s casting time. Also, whenever an Argent Battle Mage applies a metamagic feat to a force spell, the total adjustment to the spell’s level is reduced by 1. This increases to a reduction of 2 at level 5, and finally 3 at level 10. This ability cannot reduce the total adjustment below 0.
'''''{{Anchor|Arcane Reflex}}'' {{Sp}}:''' Beginning at 2nd level, an Argent Battle Mage gains exceptional awareness of her surroundings by being vigilant of the weave, and adds her class level to her initiative.
'''{{Anchor|Overload}} {{Ex}}:''' An Argent Battle Mage of 3rd level or higher is able to surpass conventional restraints of arcane magic. Whenever she casts a force spell of 1st through 5th level that deals damage, the Argent Battle Mage can deal maximum damage with that spell as if empowered by the Maximize Spell metamagic.
The first time this feature is used will not result in any adverse effect. If this feature is used again before a long rest, the Argent Battle Mage takes 1d12 necrotic damage per spell level, immediately after the spell is cast. Each time this feature is used before a long rest, the damage is increased by 1d12 per spell level. This damage ignores resistances and immunities.
'''{{Anchor|Extended Energy}} {{Ex}}:''' Starting at 4th level, Whenever an Argent Battle Mage casts a spell with the force descriptor that has a duration other than instantaneous, that duration is doubled.
'''{{Anchor|Force Disruption}} {{Su}}:''' As a standard action, an 8th level Argent Battle Mage can attempt to dispel a single force spell or effect within 60 feet (even those normally immune to dispel magic, such as wall of force). If he succeeds on a caster level check (DC 11 + opposing caster’s level), the force effect is disrupted. This immediately dispels the effect and deals 1d6 points of force damage per level of the dispelled spell to all creatures and objects within 10 feet of the unbound spell. For example, if an Argent Battle Mage Disrupts another caster’s wall of force, the released spell energy would deal 5d6 points of force damage to anyone within 10 feet of the wall’s former location. This damage cannot be increased by any spells or abilities.
'''{{Anchor| Energy Mastery}} {{Ex}}:''' An Argent Battle Mage of 9th level or higher has complete mastery over force spells. Whenever a 9th 10th level Argent Battle Mage casts a spell with the force descriptor that deals damage, increase the size of the damage die by one category.(i.e.: A magic missile would deal 1d6+1 damage instead of the usual 1d4+1)