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Argent Battle Mage (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Argent Battle Mage.
'''{{Anchor|SpellcastingSpells per Day/Spells Known}}:''' At 2nd-5th and 7th-10theach level after 1st, you gain an Argent Battle Mage gains new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you she had also gained a level in a an arcane spellcasting class to which you she belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained(such as the bonus feat sometimes gained by a wizard). If you she had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming an Argent Battle Mageargent savant, you she must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Spells}}:''' To An argent battlemage is able to cast a particular one additional spell, you must have an Dexterity score of with the force descriptor per day at least 10 + the each spell's level. Your This feature functions in conjunction with any bonus spells are based on your Dexteritytied to her spellcasting Ability Modifiers. Saves to avoid the effects of your spells have a DC of 10 + the spell's level + your Dex bonus (if any).
'''{{Anchor|Bonus SpellsForce Specialization:}} {{Ex}}:''' An Ardent Argent Battle Mage gets one additional spell known at gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls made with her force spells. She also adds a +1 bonus to each level die of damage dealt by spells they can she casts with the force descriptor. If the force spell doesn’t deal damage expressed by dice, she adds only a +1 bonus to the total damage dealt. For example, a magic missile castby a 9th-level wizard/1st-level argent savant deals 1d4+2 points of damage per missile. This A 9th-level wizard/4th-level argent savant deals 4d6+7 points of force damage with her Mordenkainen’s sword spell must have the Force Descriptor.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feats}}:''' An Argent Battle Mage gains a bonus feat at levels 2, 5 ,6 and 9. They must meet all requirements for these feats. '''{{Anchor|Piercing Energy}} {{Ex}}:''' At first level the Argent Battle Mage hits harder than other casters with its force spells. If the Argent Battle Mage casts a spell with the force descriptor that expresses its damage with dice, add a +1 bonus to each die of damage rolled, if the damage is not expressed with dice just add a +1 bonus to the total damage dealt.. This increases to 2 at level 4, 3 at level 7 and finally 4 at level 10. '''{{Anchor|Energy Thesis}} {{Ex}}:''' Beginning at first level the Argent Battle Mage discovers that it is easier to manipulate the energies of their force spells. Whenever an Argent Battle Mage casts a spell with the force descriptor they may add any metamagic they know to that spell without increasing the spell’s casting time. Also, whenever a an Argent Battle Mage applies a metamagic feat to a force spell, the total adjustment to the spell’s level is reduced by 1. This increases to a reduction of 2 at level 4, 3 at level 75, and finally 4 3 at level 10. This ability cannot reduce the total adjustment below 0.
'''''{{Anchor|Arcane Reflex}}'' {{Sp}}:'''An Argent battle mage hones his skills until they become almost reflexive in speed and nature. At first level the mage gains the ability to cast a 1st level spell with the force descriptor from their spells known as a immediate action a number of times a day equal to 1 plus his spellcasting modifier. This spell is cast in addition to the mage's usual number of spells per day and at the mage's ECL.
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