Rapid Recovery (Ex): A biomancer knows how to manage their body. From 2nd level on, a biomancer recovers twice as quickly when sleeping, restoring 2 hp per HD and 2 points of ability damage overnight. This stacks with a successful Heal check for long term care for 3 times HD and 3 points of ability damage a night. Finally, a biomancer may perform long term care on himself.
Perfect Health (Ex): At 4th level a biomancer can fend of diseases of all kinds. A biomancer becomes immune to disease, both mundane and magical.
At 20th Skeletal Shift (Ex): As a standard action, 2nd-level, you have developed Biomancers can shift the formula for a superserum that can create powerful changes in a target. You can create two superserums per day. Your superserums are a special type bone structure of biohack, their limbs and you prepare them as part of the 10 minutes required face (including teeth) to create your normal biohacks for the day. Your superserum produces one of the following effects; appear as with all biohacksa different person, you decide at will. This ability grants a +3 bonus on this effect as part of the attack or action you take to inject a creature with the biohackDisguise checks.
Grant major healing or bring Sap Life (Su): As a dead creature back touch attack, an 8th-level osteomancer can cause a malaise to lifesettle into the core of an opponent's bones. This functions as if you had cast raise dead or regenerate on effect deals 2d4 points of Strength damage unless the target, using your class level as the caster opponent makes a Fortitude save (DC 10 + osteomancer level+ Charisma modifier). The osteomancer can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 plus his Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This ability can only affect living creatures with a skeleton.
Scramble the physiological makeup of the target, causing massive internal damage. The target takes 17d10 points of damage and is exhausted and Stunned for 1 round. If the target succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + half your biohacker level + your key ability score modifier), the damage is halved, and the target is instead only fatigued for 1 round.
Relieve the target of debilitating conditions. Choose one set of ability scores: mental (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) or physical (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution).
The target is healed of all ability damage to the chosen set of ability scores, and all ability drain from these ability scores is removed. Regardless of which set of scores you choose, the superserum also eliminates any ongoing confusion, fear, and insanity effects; any mental afflictions that could be removed with dispel magic; and any diseases that use the mental disease track. It removes any effects magically altering the target’s memory—even instantaneous effects— and can restore the target’s memory to perfect clarity.
Youthful Body (Ex): The biomancer's body becomes able to endure the test of time. At 16th level, a biomancer no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and he cannot be magically aged. Any penalties he may have already incurred, however, remain in place, and the biomancer still dies when his time is up. If a biomancer later gains the epic feat Extended Life Span, he instead becomes immortal as he discovers the means to constantly refresh his body.
Biological Awakening: At 20th level a biomancer has played with the building blocks of complex life for so long than his studies have forever changed him. He becomes an aberration rather than a humanoid or his original creature, retaining all subtypes and still counting as an original member of his race for prestige classes and spells. Additionally the biomancer gains damage reduction 5 to either silver, adamantine, or cold iron (the biomancer's choice), and his cell form's damage reduction also becomes damage reduction of the appropriate type instead of DR/magic. The damage reduction stacks with any similar form of damage reduction the biomancer already possesses, but not the increase granted by cell form's DR 10. He gains darkvision 60 ft, or adds 60 ft. to his current darkvision, and his biology changes where he no longer needs to eat or sleep (but he must still breath). Finally the biomancer gains regeneration 1, which is bypassed by fire, cold, electricity, and acid damage.
<-... repeat as necessary.->