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{{#set:Summary=Learn to expel your ki volley attacks from your chest instead of using your hand(s).}}
A character who already has the [[Alternate_Delivery_(3.5e_Invocation)|Alternative Delivery]] invocation, may choose when making a Ki Volley attack to attack from their chest instead of their hands. Doing an attack in this way costs an additional 4 ki points and makes the user take a -4 penalty on the attack roll, however, doing . Doing this allows the user to charge and launch as many Ki volleys as possible into one attack causing the opponent, if they fail a Reflex save (DC= damage dealt), to be knocked flying 10 feet in any direction and fall prone. This also allows him to still deliver ki volley attacks at their full potential even when he is bound, helpless, with a broken arm or if they have severed arm(s).