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Anti-Communist Machine (3.5e Feat)

17 bytes added, 20:38, 12 October 2009
Spelling & Grammar
|prereqs= Construct type, 1st level only
|benefit= See below
|special= If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat that you meet the prerequisitesfor.
* '''1 HD''': You were made as a patriotic Machine of War! They made you very very big... you are one size category larger than normal.
* '''3 HD''': You can spout anti-communist propaganda as a free action, effectively allowing you to make a an [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|intimidatingintimidate]] check against every all enemies within 10 ft. ''(enemies need not to be communists)''* '''8 HD''': You know how to protect your nation against communism! Whenever you take total defence action , any allies within 20 ft. of you gain a +4 untyped bonus to AC. * '''15 HD''': Better dead than red! At 15 HD , you gain the death throe ability, dealing 1d8 damage per HD you have. Death Throe affect all creature within 10 ft. per HD and deal deals half-fire damage and half-untyped damagesdamage. Obviously death Death throe only activate activates upon deathor destruction.
{{3.5e Feats Breadcrumb}} → [[3.5e Archetype Feats|Archetype Feats]]
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