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Mater Diana and The Twins of the Hunt (3.5e Equipment)

No change in size, 12:15, 25 February 2021
1st Ritual (The Hunt Begins)
'''Hunter Archer (bow only):''' The bow confers the ''favored enemy'' feature of a 1st level [[Ranger In The Dungeon (3.5e Class)|ranger]], against one type of creature. A character that already has the feature may gain another favored enemy or increase the bonus of one of its existing ones. The bonus increases as for a 5th level ranger and again for a 10th level ranger when the 3rd and 5th ritual are performed. The type of feature may be changed each day, by offering a part of the creature to the bow.
'''Cutting Edge (scimitars only):''' The scimitars become keen, increasing their threat range to 18-20/x4 and confer a +5 bonus to confirm critical hits. This enhancement do not stack with the [[SRD:Keen (Weapon Enhancement)|''keen'']] weapon ability or similar effects. Treat both the scimitars as light weapons for the purpose of [[Two-Weapon Fighting|two-weapon fighting]] or for the [[Weapon Finesse]] feat.
''Pre-Requisites:'' BAB +3, must have tracked down and killed a specific creature with CR equal or superior to your class level. If the wielder has the ''favored enemy'' feature, the creature must be one of its favored enemies.
'''Tesseract Blade (Size):''' The weapon automatically adjusts its size to fit its user. It can also change size on command with a swift action.
'''Variable Bonus:''' The enhancement bonus on the weapon improved to +2. By spending 1 hour in meditation, you can switch out the enhancement bonus on the weapon for any weapon special abilities on a 1 for 1 basis. The scimitars and the bow are all treated as separate weapons for this feature. The weapon must always have a minimum +1 enhancement bonus. Treat both the scimitars as light weapons for the purpose of [[Two-Weapon Fighting|two-weapon fighting]] or for the [[Weapon Finesse]] feat.
''Pre-Requisites:'' BAB +6, must sunder a magic item of at least 2000 gp value while using or in a [[Golem Heart (3.5e Martial Discipline)|Golem Heart]] maneuver or stance.

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