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Shielded Double Grip (3.5e Feat)

169 bytes added, 16:28, 14 December 2020
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|benefit=You may hold a [[SRD:Buckler|buckler]] without penalties to attack rolls for attacking with two-handed melee weapons or melee weapons in your off hand (or double weapons).
In addition you may use two-handed melee weapons (or one-handed weapons hold in two hands) or fight with two weapons, or double-weapons, while using a [[SRD:Light Shield|light]] or [[SRD:Heavy Shield|heavy shield]]. You take a -1 to attack rolls when doing so, and if you make a shield bash in the same round you attack with your weapon(s) you take instead a -2 penalty to alla your attacks that rouns, including the shield bash.
If you have proficiency with [[SRD:Tower Shield|tower shields]] you do not take the -2 penalty to attack rolls, when using them. You may do a shield bash with a tower shield, dealing 1d8 points of damage with a 20/x2 critical.

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