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Weapon Mastery (3.5e Feat)

No change in size, 00:19, 8 October 2009
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|bab1=Against melee attacks from one designated foe, you may treat your favored weapon as if it were a shield of similar magical [[SRD:Enhancement Bonus|enhancement bonus]]. For this purpose, the base [[SRD:Shield Bonus|shield]] bonus granted is +0 for a [[SRD:Light Weapon|light]] weapon, +1 for a [[SRD:One-Handed Weapon|one-handed]] weapon, or +2 for a [[SRD:Two-Handed Weapon|two-handed]] or [[SRD:Double Weapon|double]] weapon. This effect does not stack with other effects granting shield bonuses through a weapon, such as the [[SRD:Two-Weapon Defense|Two-Weapon Defense]] feat. Designating a new foe is a [[SRD:Swift Action|swift action]].
|bab6=You may use your mastered weapon's [[SRD:Shield Bonus|shield]] bonus against two designated foes at once, and the shield bonus now also applies against ranged attacks. When wielding your mastered weapon, it is treated as being one size category larger for the purpose of damage rolls, as well as making and defending against [[SRD:Bull Rush|bull rush]], [[SRD:Disarm|disarm]], [[SRD:Sunder|sunder]] and [[SRD:Trip|trip]] attempts.
|bab11=You may use your mastered weapon's [[SRD:Shield Bonus|shield]] bonus against three designated foes at once. Your mastered weapon can never break in your hands. It is treated as having unlimited hardness in your hands, and your attacks with the weapon are treated as [[SRD:Adamantine|adamantine]], even if the weapon is not made of it. The weapon is still susceptible to magical effects that destroy weapons, such as the ''[[SRD:Rusting Grasp|rusting grasp]]'' spell,.
|bab16=Your mastered weapon's [[SRD:Shield Bonus|shield]] applies against every foe, and now even applies against rays and [[SRD:Touch Attack|touch attacks]]. Out of turn, you may expend an [[SRD:Attack of Opportunity|attack of opportunity]] in order to deflect a ranged attack or ray by making an opposed attack roll.

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