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Fateborn (5e Race)

104 bytes removed, 20:13, 4 July 2020
'''Fear Names: ''' Death, Famine, Judge, Night, Pestilence, Omen, Terminus, War, Vanity, Zeal
=== <!-- Fateborn --> Traits ===
{{5e Racial Traits
|age= A fateborn can vary in age based on the inspiration that created it. They can live from as few as 50 to as much as 10,000 years before fading back into the Astral Plane.
|alignment=<!-- Fateborn tend towards neutral alignments. Some, however, end up evil or good in attempting to live out their fate.-->|sizedesc=<!-- 7 feet -->|size=<!-- Medium -->|speed=<!-- 30 -->
|speedtype=<!-- blank; or movement type if not walking -->
|additionalspeeds=<!-- any additional movement types that the race has -->
|darkvisiondist=<!-- blank=30 feet; or distance of darvision -->
|darkvisioncolor=<!-- blank=gray; or color of darkvision -->
|trait1name=<!-- Fickle Hands of Fate -->|trait1desc=<!-- You start out with inspiration. Once expended, you can take 50 days to regain it. Inspiration gained this way cannot be passed on to another player. -->
|trait2name=<!-- as 1 above -->
<!-- this template supports additional traits, up to trait20name and trait20desc. add as many as you need -->
|languages=<!-- You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. -->
|languagedesc=<!-- a description of the racial language, options or descriptions -->
|subrace=<!-- Fated Inception -->

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