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Wei Yu's Water Spears (3.5e Spell)

6 bytes removed, 20:29, 11 June 2020
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A much stronger version of one of Wei Yu's [[Wei Yu's Water Arrows (3.5e Spell)|earlier spell]]. Wei Yu's Water Spear create spears of pressurized water capable of hitting with enough force to go through a steel plate.
This spell fires two missiles plus an additional missile at caster level 6th, 8th and 10th (to a maximum of 5 missiles). The missiles requires a ranged attack to hit and each deal 2d6+2 magic piercing damage damagedamages. The missiles ignore 10 points of hardness and count as adamantine for piercing damage reduction. The missiles may be aimed at the same or target or split between different targets, chosen when the spell is cast. If a creature is hit by two or more spear it must make a [[Reflex]] save or be knocked [[SRD:Prone|prone]], the DC of the reflex save increase by +2 for each spear that hit the target beyond the second.
''[[Channel (3.5e Other)|Channel]]:'' Wei Yu's Water Spear can be channeled in the following ways.

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