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Greatshield Master (3.5e Feat)

8 bytes removed, 00:05, 20 December 2019
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|types=Fighter, Tactical
|summary=You are extremely proficient when using a greatshield.
|prereqs=Bab +6, [[SRD:Improved Shield Bash|Improved Shield Bash]], Tower Shield Proficiency
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=You treat [[Greatshield (3.5e Equipment)|Greatshield]] as either heavy shield or tower shield whenever doing so would be advantageous, and no longer take a -2 penalty when using shield bash with a [[Greatshield (3.5e Equipment)|Greatshield]]. Additionally you gain the ability to use the following tactical maneuver with a [[Greatshield (3.5e Equipment)|Greatshield]]:

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