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|prereqs=Must possess a Feral Strike.
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit=Upon selecting this feat choose a single feral strike you possess, or a pair of identical feral strikes. Firstly you gain a +1 bonus to attack when attacking with the chosen feral strike, then increase the damage of the chosen feral strike as per [[SRD:Improved Natural Attack|Improved Natural Attack]], which stack with the feat. The critical thread of the feral strike change to 19-20/x2 if it was 20/x2, feral strike with a different critical hit threat/modifier are unchanged.
Finally the feral strike count as an unarmed strike whenever doing so is advantageous. Thus a monk with this feat would change the base damage of the feral strike to be equal to her unarmed strike damage if higher and could deliver stunning fist with them