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* '''Kunai Claw''': You can grip three shuriken in one hand as a melee weapon, but this must be drawn as a normal weapon rather than ammunition. This claw-like weapon is a light weapon that deals 2d4 slashing damage, 19-20/x2 critical, and if any of the shuriken are made of special materials or enhanced it assumes the properties of one of the shuriken in the claw. When used as a melee weapon, the shurikens do not break on attackingunless you roll a natural 1, in which case they break.
* '''Leapfrog in the Rain''': Once per round when you make an attack with a shuriken, you can choose to make a jump check to leap up to half your movement speed in any direction. Your jump check result is the number of feet you move (round down, minimum 5 ft) and you provoke attacks of opportunity as normal for moving, through you can choose to tumble as normal.
* '''Metal Rain''': When you have a kunai claw, you can throw it as a full attack. You make three attacks at your highest attack bonus against a single target within 15 ft, or against up to three targets all within 15 ft of each other (one shuriken each) beyond 15 ft range. You may combine this with Leapfrog in the Rain. * '''Shuriken Mastery''': Your shuriken attacks deal 1d4 damage (or its original damage as if two sizes largerbetter), have a 19-20/x2 critical range, and their base range increment improves to 30 ft. Finally you do not provoke for using ranged attacks with shuriken in melee.