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Kunai Claw Style (3.5e Feat)

1,654 bytes added, 08:16, 7 November 2019
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Eiji-kun |date_created=11-7-19 |status=光復香港,時代革命 |balance=Moderate }} {{3.5e Feat |name=Kunai Claw Style |types=Fighter, Tactical |su..."

{{3.5e Feat
|name=Kunai Claw Style
|types=Fighter, Tactical
|summary=Use shuriken as a melee weapon, with advanced throwing weapon options and improved range and abilities.
|prereqs=Proficiency with [[SRD:Shuriken|shuriken]]
|fluff=A fistful of throwing daggers and a tight grip makes an excellent claw weapon in a pinch.
|benefit=You gain several tactical uses with [[SRD:Shuriken|shuriken]], as shown below.

* '''Kunai Claw''': You can grip three shuriken in one hand as a melee weapon. This claw-like weapon is a light weapon that deals 2d4 slashing damage, 19-20/x2 critical, and if any of the shuriken are made of special materials or enhanced it assumes the properties of one of the shuriken in the claw. When used as a melee weapon, the shurikens do not break on attacking.

* '''Leapfrog in the Rain''': Once per round when you make an attack with a shuriken, you can choose to make a jump check to leap up to half your movement speed in any direction. Your jump check result is the number of feet you move (round down, minimum 5 ft) and you provoke attacks of opportunity as normal for moving, through you can choose to tumble as normal.

* '''Shuriken Mastery''': Your shuriken attacks deal damage as if two sizes larger, have a 19-20/x2 critical range, and their base range increment improves to 30 ft. Finally you do not provoke for using ranged attacks with shuriken in melee.


{{3.5e Feats Breadcrumb}}


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